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Synner Endless Summer Collection


Sold-out Crowd Surfer
Nov 11, 2019
Isaiah-You are doing pretty good! You seem to be aware of the imperfections(timing sometimes and guitar being out of tune) yourself so work on those! Keep it up!
Jm-There’s not really anything wrong in particular with your strumming! I really like that you play with your fingers and don’t use a pick. The only real thing I notice is that your guitars are a little out of tune.
Vanyo-You rocked that! The only real thing I notice is that you maybe can dig into a little more with your vibrato so maybe pay some attention to that! Rock on!
Ailee-Those are some nice rhythm exercises!
Dan-Nice! Just one thing when you go really fast it sounds like you miss some notes so maybe go slightly slower than that. Keep it up!


Sold-out Crowd Surfer
Nov 11, 2019
Arda-nice playing! Just two things. You can try and dig in with your vibrato a little bit more so it comes through a little bit more. Secondly, it sounds like you play with slightly scooped mids. Remember that in a band situation scooped mids usually make it harder to cut through the mix so guitar players abuse the volume a bit when they want to be heard. So adding a little bit more mix to you tone can make it easier to hear you in a band situation without having to be really loud.
Dominik-nice little jam you have there!
Synner Endless Summer Collection

Arda Uslu

Free Bird Player
Nov 11, 2019
Ids – I think I got what you mean with scooped mids,I’ll keep that in my mind thank you by the way! Also correct, it would be better if I dig in my vibrato an I can upload a video of progress if I find the time.I’ve been busy in school lately.
Guys I wrote a song by myself.I found a bass and drum track in Internet and wrote guitar parts over it to make it a song.It would be great if someone could play bass and drums for me 🙂 Check it out! Pretty amateur work,yet waiting for your comments.

Dominik Gräber

Hot Topic Tourer
Contest Winner!
  • Nov 11, 2019
    Hey guys! Haven’t been active too much lately but wanted to share this cover with you guys! Playing a whole song in one take is an enormous challenge for me so I am proud to present you a decent playthrough of Hand of Blood by Bullet for my Valentine – Matt’s Guitar Part 🙂
    Please tell me what you think! Also tried out a new angle to film.
    Hand of Blood, Matt’s Part Full Guitar Cover

    Kevin Kwasneski

    Free Bird Player
    Nov 11, 2019
    @dominik Gräber Nice cover!!!! Hats off to you for one take, I usually screw up multiple times. And did you have the camera hooked to your headstock? My only tip, sort of an opinion I guess, but if you have a video editor program, overdub the original track and try to balance your guitar so we can hear both your guitar and the song.

    Kevin Kwasneski

    Free Bird Player
    Nov 11, 2019
    So I played the Ninja Steel theme before, so I figured I would do something equally as goofy. The Spongebob theme song! Drums, bass, and rhythm guitar are done by me as well. And I don’t get it, I was playing perfect this afternoon; put a camera in front of me I’ll screw it up like it was the first time I played it. I was an bit late coming in and I messed up the legato run at the end, blah. I had tried a bunch more takes but it was just getting worse. And no, that is not all my Spongebob stuff lol
    Synner Endless Summer Collection