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First Round of "Homework" Due Tomorrow!


Jak Angelescu

Hey guys! I have had some awesome clips being posted on the original topic. Just a reminder about if you want to participate in the homework assignments over lesson 7, make sure you do the challenge, record yourself, upload it here, and if you want to, join me tomorrow at 5pm CST live on Instagram to play it in front of other viewers and get feedback 🙂
I changed the time from 3pm to 5pm because I won’t be home until 4:30. I’ll also probably have to start doing these on Saturday. I’ll be uploading a video soon about some cool new stuff I learned, including a new practice technique.
Love you guys!

Jak Angelescu

Oh my gosh Calvin I am so excited and moved by how serious you took this weekly homework! You put a lot of work into that!
On a side note, my singer says that you sound like a voice Actor for a video game character😂😂and that’s a compliment!!
I really hope you’ll be able to join me tomorrow and show all of this hard work off!
Synner Endless Summer Collection

Kim Vandenrijn

Free Bird Player
Nov 11, 2019
Here is my attempt :). But the F major… you say B flat (in the video I said A sharp so that’s wrong)
I know the fretboard a little bit better. And I can play the G major at more places. But this is just 3 other like Jak asked.
And I’m not comfortable talking in my videos :).


Sold-out Crowd Surfer
Nov 11, 2019
According to classical music theory B flat isn’t the same as A sharp but that had more to do with how their instruments were tuned. For a guitar in the way we tune it nowadays A sharp and B flat is simply the same note so you’re not really wrong 😅

Kim Vandenrijn

Free Bird Player
Nov 11, 2019
@ Ids: Oh ok, thanks. Yeah that’s what I thought. It was something like up the neck is sharps and when you go down the neck it’s flats.
But sometimes I look on google to search some stuff or you tube and that’s where I came across that. So I was confused.

Jak Angelescu

@Ids I had a feeling 😞 i’m going to change it to Saturday after this because most of the participants are overseas in very different time zones. However I do plan on playing your video live tonight if that’s ok with you
Synner Endless Summer Collection


Sold-out Crowd Surfer
Nov 11, 2019
Yes of course you can show it!
It has more to do with the fact that I’m pretty busy with exams at the moment and have to get up at 7:30 am the following day(which would be more or less the same would have done it on Saturday) due to studying for exams 😅 usually Sunday would be fine for me tbh just now and next weekend staying up until 1 am or so doesn’t really work so well for me(5 pm cst is about midnight for me)

Jak Angelescu

I am so glad to hear that!! You did really well 🤗🤗
By the Way for future reference what Ids said is right about those notes essentially being the same. A# and Bb for guitar players are essentially the same note but they are spelled differently. Those are called ‘enharmonics’🤗
Other examples of enharmonics are…
C# and Db
F# and Gb
Do you have Instagram?

Calvin Phillips

Music Theory Bragger
Nov 11, 2019
Kim I liked how you were speaking the notes you play. That is more then me.. I cant tell you right away the notes I’m playing but I can play them. So you’re already doing ahead of me there. Keep it up cause you’re going the right path for sure.

Calvin Phillips

Music Theory Bragger
Nov 11, 2019
Yeah sundays this week were rough and I really dont have the software but usually sundays are better for me. Just gonna say how too that next weekend I have ot so I wont be there either. But I’ll still make an attempt at the challenge. The video I did took one take. I realized too being in d standard its 2 frets down not up I was wrong in my video. But it didnt take long to set it up like that. My booklets help. I suggest you do one too to keep tabs on your notes. Also helps to layout a pattern before picking up a guitar. I imagine syn does this when writing songs. I think he used to plan all his solos before improving them these days. I like to be prepared personally.
Hope next weeks turnout is bigger. I looked for a possible archive video to see what I missed on maybe Instagram isnt like YouTube.
Synner Endless Summer Collection

Calvin Phillips

Music Theory Bragger
Nov 11, 2019
You’ll remember those notes in no time. I would if I took the time to as well but I’m pretty impatient lol. I have a decent idea but I need a second ro get it. You wont need to do that. Bad habits from playing without theory for years lol