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Jamie London

Staff member
  • Nov 11, 2019
    I'll listen to the original songs by The Residents, to make a comparison and see which version I like the best.
    Also, you said something about Les' project with Lennon's son, another thing that I discovered in my research, and I forgot to google it to know more about it. Do you have a song in particular that you think I should listen to first?
    oh yeah! Definitely start with The Cricket and the Genie - Movement 1: The Delirium from their first album, “The Monolith of Phobos”. It’s literally The Beatles meets Primus, so unbelievably good. If you like that song and what you’ve heard from Primus, you’ll adore the rest of their music!


    Local Dive Bar Favorite
    Contest Winner!
  • Oct 21, 2020
    oh yeah! Definitely start with The Cricket and the Genie - Movement 1: The Delirium from their first album, “The Monolith of Phobos”. It’s literally The Beatles meets Primus, so unbelievably good. If you like that song and what you’ve heard from Primus, you’ll adore the rest of their music!
    Thank you very much, Jamie! I'll start with this one!
    • Love
    Reactions: Jamie London


    Sold-out Crowd Surfer
    Nov 11, 2019
    As far as 11th dimensional space goes, that's something that comes to play in supergravity and superstring theory(m-theory). Basically space time generally has 9 dimensions of space and 1 dimension of time and the 11th dimension would be added to achieve a theory of everything(stephen hawking was obsessed with that and it's also a really cool movie).

    As far as the record goes I'll defy the laws of tradition and actually pick favourites for a change.

    Overall, the bass playing is incredible and I also noticed some really great drum fills. What I noticed as far as the guitar playing goes is that the tone is kind of eerie and I feel like the guitar is like just short of being in key(like bends being just not entirely right) and for some reason it works like a charm because I love it.

    My favourites are Groundhog's day, too many puppies(I do really like puppies) and pudding time.

    I would also like to mention sathington Willoughby and spegetti western in particular. Sathington Willoughby is kinda just fun but the transition to spegetti western works so well and I love it!


    Campfire Attention Holder
  • Sep 19, 2020
    :syngates:Yo Family!

    For this month’s #AOTM rec, I’m rollin w Frizzle Fry by the one and only Primus, a power trio from 11th dimensional hyperspace.

    For those of you that aren’t familiar with Primus, or 11th dimensional hyperspace, buckle the fuck up. This band is funky, heavy, avant-garde, and utterly ridiculous in the most amazing ways.

    If you recall from the first AOTM, Disco Volante, I told you that The Rev had made me a mix tape of a ton of avant-garde music and Primus’s Mr. Knowitall was on it. I had heard of them before but every time they came on MTV(👴🏻), I’d change the channel. My virgin ears and eyes couldn’t grasp the brilliance that was not only their music, but their entire hora. Most especially, their music videos with brilliant claymation and surrealism, would instantaneously transport you to another dimension.

    Mr. Knowitall was the gateway drug into the rest of the opium den that was The Rev’s mix tape:rainbow-skull:. I obsessed over this song and subsequently Frizzle Fry for an entire year.

    I used to travel with my Dad and his band during summers growing up and the keyboard player, my Uncle Randy, had this amazing portable CD player(👴🏻) and I use to “borrow” it to no end. He was always super cool to me and was a huge Primus fan as well so that particular summer was an amazing bonding experience and memory.

    As I’m sure a lot of you feel, bonding with someone over music is as great a therapy and catharsis as there is. There’s only one other shared experience with a loved one that rivals it and I shan’t mention what that is because we aren’t here to spoil one’s adolescence.
    Fine, Bruce Willis movies:rock-hand:

    And that is one hell of a sexy segue into the heart of Frizzle Fry-

    The über imaginative playing and songwriting of Les Claypool made me want to be a bassist and songwriter. The creativity and groove of Tim Alexander made me want to play the drums. The extraordinary mind of Larry LaLonde made me wanna quit guitar. I couldn’t fathom how he came up with his parts. My mind simply did not work like that.......yet😈

    Favorite tracks include-

    Groundhogs Day- an ostensibly simple groove but impossible to make groove without a LOT of practice. The solo section after the double time pick up(band plays faster) explores a wide range of colors from diminished, parallel major/minor, classical cliches with a twist, and much more. Probably my favorite song on the record.

    Too Many Puppies- This is the first cover song I jammed with The Rev. For a couple years we’d just jam extemporaneously but as he began transcribing a myriad of super interesting music, I did as well, often wrong but never right🤡

    Mr. Knowitall- First Primus song I ever got into thanks to that magical little opium den.:rainbow-mushroom: Great song, great lyric, great dynamics.

    John the Fisherman- Second song I jammed with Jimmy. At 13 years old, our set list consisted of these two Primus songs, Say it Ain’t So by Weezer, and What is Hip by Tower of Power. An eclectic bunch a shit to say the least.

    Frizzle Fry- a solid mention simply for one of my fav lyrics I still quote to this day due to its wide application: “I do believe in Captain Crunch, for I am the Frizzle Fry”

    Spegetti Western- Not my fav song but hands down one of my top 3 or 5 favorite drum grooves of all time. Sheer brilliance.

    Gimme those purdy little mother fuckin thoughts of yours


    All my love,

    ok! listened.
    but now i’ve a question, Syn: how do you always find the most fucking cool and crazy things? 😭😂i definitely like it.

    i had never heard Primus before, but as usual you are opening a world to me.
    «The Toys Go Winding Down» ,
    «To Defy The Laws Of Tratidion»
    and «Spagetti Western»
    are my favorites.
    the voice is interesting, especially the drums. God! lots of stuff. I think I'll start studying one of their songs on drums, cause it's incredible.
    beautiful opening of the drums of the song
    Spagetti Western it will definitely be the next piece to study.
    Last edited:

    Gemma G.S.

    What a fun, funky album. Les’ bass playing is outta this world, I might have to pull my bass off the wall sometime and see if I can learn a thing or two! In fact, a lot of things about Les Claypool are outta this world, lol. I’m so happy that AOTMs are a thing, because I'm discovering more music that I was never exposed to before. :rock-hand:

    I compiled a list of favorites, even though I loved every second of the whole thing:

    Too Many Puppies - need I say more? I mean. You can never have too many puppies. But now that I listened to it without the ambient noise of a live show, I ‘get it’ now. 😬

    Frizzle Fry - the funky ending caught my ears especially, and the lyrics made me smile.

    Mr Knowitall - “and whatever rhymes with eloquent😂

    The Toys Go Winding Down - the cello(??) and drum groove from 03:00 - 03:46 was SO GOOD. That was the only song that I caught any orchestral stuff on, and I loved it.

    Pudding Time - fave bassline I think out of all of ‘em, kicked me in the face right from the start. Also the screaming “it’s pudding time, children!!” at the end reminded me a whole lot of Bungle.

    Thanks for suggesting some strange, cool, funky stuff to us, Gates.

    Worth mentioning: my fave Bruce Willis movie is Fifth Element. Hands down. M U L T I P A S S 😤
    Synner Endless Summer Collection

    Muz Malek

    Sold-out Crowd Surfer
    Nov 11, 2019
    ok! listened.
    but now i’ve a question, Syn: how do you always find the most fucking cool and crazy things? 😭😂i definitely like it.

    i had never heard Primus before, but as usual you are opening a world to me.
    «The Toys Go Winding Down» ,
    «To Defy The Laws Of Tratidion»
    and «Sathington Willoughby»
    are my favorites.
    the voice is interesting, especially the drums. God! lots of stuff. I think I'll start studying one of their songs on drums, cause it's incredible.
    beautiful opening of the drums of the song
    Sathington Willoughby . it will definitely be the next piece to study.
    Probably gotta have a crazy friend like Jimmy ❤️

    Cooper Brady

    Free Bird Player
  • Nov 2, 2020
    Augusta, Georgia
    :syngates:Yo Family!

    For this month’s #AOTM rec, I’m rollin w Frizzle Fry by the one and only Primus, a power trio from 11th dimensional hyperspace.

    For those of you that aren’t familiar with Primus, or 11th dimensional hyperspace, buckle the fuck up. This band is funky, heavy, avant-garde, and utterly ridiculous in the most amazing ways.

    If you recall from the first AOTM, Disco Volante, I told you that The Rev had made me a mix tape of a ton of avant-garde music and Primus’s Mr. Knowitall was on it. I had heard of them before but every time they came on MTV(👴🏻), I’d change the channel. My virgin ears and eyes couldn’t grasp the brilliance that was not only their music, but their entire hora. Most especially, their music videos with brilliant claymation and surrealism, would instantaneously transport you to another dimension.

    Mr. Knowitall was the gateway drug into the rest of the opium den that was The Rev’s mix tape:rainbow-skull:. I obsessed over this song and subsequently Frizzle Fry for an entire year.

    I used to travel with my Dad and his band during summers growing up and the keyboard player, my Uncle Randy, had this amazing portable CD player(👴🏻) and I use to “borrow” it to no end. He was always super cool to me and was a huge Primus fan as well so that particular summer was an amazing bonding experience and memory.

    As I’m sure a lot of you feel, bonding with someone over music is as great a therapy and catharsis as there is. There’s only one other shared experience with a loved one that rivals it and I shan’t mention what that is because we aren’t here to spoil one’s adolescence.
    Fine, Bruce Willis movies:rock-hand:

    And that is one hell of a sexy segue into the heart of Frizzle Fry-

    The über imaginative playing and songwriting of Les Claypool made me want to be a bassist and songwriter. The creativity and groove of Tim Alexander made me want to play the drums. The extraordinary mind of Larry LaLonde made me wanna quit guitar. I couldn’t fathom how he came up with his parts. My mind simply did not work like that.......yet😈

    Favorite tracks include-

    Groundhogs Day- an ostensibly simple groove but impossible to make groove without a LOT of practice. The solo section after the double time pick up(band plays faster) explores a wide range of colors from diminished, parallel major/minor, classical cliches with a twist, and much more. Probably my favorite song on the record.

    Too Many Puppies- This is the first cover song I jammed with The Rev. For a couple years we’d just jam extemporaneously but as he began transcribing a myriad of super interesting music, I did as well, often wrong but never right🤡

    Mr. Knowitall- First Primus song I ever got into thanks to that magical little opium den.:rainbow-mushroom: Great song, great lyric, great dynamics.

    John the Fisherman- Second song I jammed with Jimmy. At 13 years old, our set list consisted of these two Primus songs, Say it Ain’t So by Weezer, and What is Hip by Tower of Power. An eclectic bunch a shit to say the least.

    Frizzle Fry- a solid mention simply for one of my fav lyrics I still quote to this day due to its wide application: “I do believe in Captain Crunch, for I am the Frizzle Fry”

    Spegetti Western- Not my fav song but hands down one of my top 3 or 5 favorite drum grooves of all time. Sheer brilliance.

    Gimme those purdy little mother fuckin thoughts of yours


    All my love,

    No special opinion here. I love this album. So cool to see my favorite guitar player shout out one of my favorite bands. Also, to anyone who reads this, don't limit your listening of Primus to this album. "Sailing the Seas of Cheese" and "Pork Soda" are both great albums as well!

    Alicia Willis

  • Nov 11, 2019
    Lexington, South Carolina
    😱 Ahhh, I’m fucking stoked it’s a band I actually fucking already know and an album I love !!!!!
    In true 90’s kid fashion, I first met Primus via a video game 🤣 “Jerry was a race car” was the first song I heard from the band and I was hooked !

    As for this album, it’s hard to pick a favorite. Every single basslines is fucking magical and honestly makes me want to buy a bass like yesterday.

    But for me, “Pudding Time”, is my favorite song from this album. That funky bass, the constant chugging (you can’t not bop your head listening to this song), the way it seems almost chaotic af throughout and of course the lyrics ! They seem innocent enough and almost like jibberish until you REALLY listen.


    Local Dive Bar Favorite
    Contest Winner!
  • Oct 21, 2020
    😱 Ahhh, I’m fucking stoked it’s a band I actually fucking already know and an album I love !!!!!
    In true 90’s kid fashion, I first met Primus via a video game 🤣 “Jerry was a race car” was the first song I heard from the band and I was hooked !

    As for this album, it’s hard to pick a favorite. Every single basslines is fucking magical and honestly makes me want to buy a bass like yesterday.

    But for me, “Pudding Time”, is my favorite song from this album. That funky bass, the constant chugging (you can’t not bop your head listening to this song), the way it seems almost chaotic af throughout and of course the lyrics ! They seem innocent enough and almost like jibberish until you REALLY listen.
    Exactly, I had to listen to it while reading the lyrics, 'cause it looks like gibberish at first, but Les' writing is very interesting (like when he brings to light the fact that stripped bass were fading away due to polution in San Francisco bay). Like, would you really expect that subject in the lyrics of songs from such a crazy band? 😆

    Alicia Willis

  • Nov 11, 2019
    Lexington, South Carolina
    Exactly, I had to listen to it while reading the lyrics, 'cause it looks like gibberish at first, but Les' writing is very interesting (like when he brings to light the fact that stripped bass were fading away due to polution in San Francisco bay). Like, would you really expect that subject in the lyrics of songs from such a crazy band? 😆
    Right ?! I actually love those kinds of songs though. They just seem so quirky and fun until you really pay attention to the message it’s conveying.
    :syngates:Yo Family!

    For this month’s #AOTM rec, I’m rollin w Frizzle Fry by the one and only Primus, a power trio from 11th dimensional hyperspace.

    For those of you that aren’t familiar with Primus, or 11th dimensional hyperspace, buckle the fuck up. This band is funky, heavy, avant-garde, and utterly ridiculous in the most amazing ways.

    If you recall from the first AOTM, Disco Volante, I told you that The Rev had made me a mix tape of a ton of avant-garde music and Primus’s Mr. Knowitall was on it. I had heard of them before but every time they came on MTV(👴🏻), I’d change the channel. My virgin ears and eyes couldn’t grasp the brilliance that was not only their music, but their entire hora. Most especially, their music videos with brilliant claymation and surrealism, would instantaneously transport you to another dimension.

    Mr. Knowitall was the gateway drug into the rest of the opium den that was The Rev’s mix tape:rainbow-skull:. I obsessed over this song and subsequently Frizzle Fry for an entire year.

    I used to travel with my Dad and his band during summers growing up and the keyboard player, my Uncle Randy, had this amazing portable CD player(👴🏻) and I use to “borrow” it to no end. He was always super cool to me and was a huge Primus fan as well so that particular summer was an amazing bonding experience and memory.

    As I’m sure a lot of you feel, bonding with someone over music is as great a therapy and catharsis as there is. There’s only one other shared experience with a loved one that rivals it and I shan’t mention what that is because we aren’t here to spoil one’s adolescence.
    Fine, Bruce Willis movies:rock-hand:

    And that is one hell of a sexy segue into the heart of Frizzle Fry-

    The über imaginative playing and songwriting of Les Claypool made me want to be a bassist and songwriter. The creativity and groove of Tim Alexander made me want to play the drums. The extraordinary mind of Larry LaLonde made me wanna quit guitar. I couldn’t fathom how he came up with his parts. My mind simply did not work like that.......yet😈

    Favorite tracks include-

    Groundhogs Day- an ostensibly simple groove but impossible to make groove without a LOT of practice. The solo section after the double time pick up(band plays faster) explores a wide range of colors from diminished, parallel major/minor, classical cliches with a twist, and much more. Probably my favorite song on the record.

    Too Many Puppies- This is the first cover song I jammed with The Rev. For a couple years we’d just jam extemporaneously but as he began transcribing a myriad of super interesting music, I did as well, often wrong but never right🤡

    Mr. Knowitall- First Primus song I ever got into thanks to that magical little opium den.:rainbow-mushroom: Great song, great lyric, great dynamics.

    John the Fisherman- Second song I jammed with Jimmy. At 13 years old, our set list consisted of these two Primus songs, Say it Ain’t So by Weezer, and What is Hip by Tower of Power. An eclectic bunch a shit to say the least.

    Frizzle Fry- a solid mention simply for one of my fav lyrics I still quote to this day due to its wide application: “I do believe in Captain Crunch, for I am the Frizzle Fry”

    Spegetti Western- Not my fav song but hands down one of my top 3 or 5 favorite drum grooves of all time. Sheer brilliance.

    Gimme those purdy little mother fuckin thoughts of yours


    All my love,


    Hiya Syn! ✨ I enjoyed reading this AOTM entry so much - I listened to the album right away & really liked it. I dig the quirkiness on their sound, I wish I was a musician so I could understand even more the structures (but I try my best!) I also love how playful the lyrics are. 😂 Never gave a listen to this album before although I knew the band already, so thank you for this very cool rec! will definitely continue exploring their albums now. I remember that the first time I heard them was with the song “Mr. Krinkle” & I didn’t got much into it at first, but there was a little intriguing bug around my mind that made me convince myself to give it another listen and it eventually got me. The same thing happened with the music video, it’s so bizarre but at the same time you wanna se what’s happening there in that crazy dream like world. I guess that’s what happens when you listen to something so different at first.

    Gotta say that It’s really fascinating to hear little glimpses of stories behind Pinkly Smooth’s inspirations too. :)

    Sending all my love and best wishes for this 2021 ride! 💛 take care y’all
    Synner Endless Summer Collection


    Hot Topic Tourer
    Contest Winner!
  • Jul 16, 2020
    Right ?! I actually love those kinds of songs though. They just seem so quirky and fun until you really pay attention to the message it’s conveying.
    Agreed!!! Those type of songs are great, you have to go deeper to get the real meaning and that's a thing I love to do when hearing songs


    Hot Topic Tourer
    Contest Winner!
  • Jul 16, 2020
    Exactly, I had to listen to it while reading the lyrics, 'cause it looks like gibberish at first, but Les' writing is very interesting (like when he brings to light the fact that stripped bass were fading away due to polution in San Francisco bay). Like, would you really expect that subject in the lyrics of songs from such a crazy band? 😆
    I never expect that but 100℅ love when it happens!! 😂😂 Primus is now on my playlist and will be listening more of them for sure 🤩


    Free Bird Player
    Jan 5, 2021
    :syngates:Yo Family!

    For this month’s #AOTM rec, I’m rollin w Frizzle Fry by the one and only Primus, a power trio from 11th dimensional hyperspace.

    For those of you that aren’t familiar with Primus, or 11th dimensional hyperspace, buckle the fuck up. This band is funky, heavy, avant-garde, and utterly ridiculous in the most amazing ways.

    If you recall from the first AOTM, Disco Volante, I told you that The Rev had made me a mix tape of a ton of avant-garde music and Primus’s Mr. Knowitall was on it. I had heard of them before but every time they came on MTV(👴🏻), I’d change the channel. My virgin ears and eyes couldn’t grasp the brilliance that was not only their music, but their entire hora. Most especially, their music videos with brilliant claymation and surrealism, would instantaneously transport you to another dimension.

    Mr. Knowitall was the gateway drug into the rest of the opium den that was The Rev’s mix tape:rainbow-skull:. I obsessed over this song and subsequently Frizzle Fry for an entire year.

    I used to travel with my Dad and his band during summers growing up and the keyboard player, my Uncle Randy, had this amazing portable CD player(👴🏻) and I use to “borrow” it to no end. He was always super cool to me and was a huge Primus fan as well so that particular summer was an amazing bonding experience and memory.

    As I’m sure a lot of you feel, bonding with someone over music is as great a therapy and catharsis as there is. There’s only one other shared experience with a loved one that rivals it and I shan’t mention what that is because we aren’t here to spoil one’s adolescence.
    Fine, Bruce Willis movies:rock-hand:

    And that is one hell of a sexy segue into the heart of Frizzle Fry-

    The über imaginative playing and songwriting of Les Claypool made me want to be a bassist and songwriter. The creativity and groove of Tim Alexander made me want to play the drums. The extraordinary mind of Larry LaLonde made me wanna quit guitar. I couldn’t fathom how he came up with his parts. My mind simply did not work like that.......yet😈

    Favorite tracks include-

    Groundhogs Day- an ostensibly simple groove but impossible to make groove without a LOT of practice. The solo section after the double time pick up(band plays faster) explores a wide range of colors from diminished, parallel major/minor, classical cliches with a twist, and much more. Probably my favorite song on the record.

    Too Many Puppies- This is the first cover song I jammed with The Rev. For a couple years we’d just jam extemporaneously but as he began transcribing a myriad of super interesting music, I did as well, often wrong but never right🤡

    Mr. Knowitall- First Primus song I ever got into thanks to that magical little opium den.:rainbow-mushroom: Great song, great lyric, great dynamics.

    John the Fisherman- Second song I jammed with Jimmy. At 13 years old, our set list consisted of these two Primus songs, Say it Ain’t So by Weezer, and What is Hip by Tower of Power. An eclectic bunch a shit to say the least.

    Frizzle Fry- a solid mention simply for one of my fav lyrics I still quote to this day due to its wide application: “I do believe in Captain Crunch, for I am the Frizzle Fry”

    Spegetti Western- Not my fav song but hands down one of my top 3 or 5 favorite drum grooves of all time. Sheer brilliance.

    Gimme those purdy little mother fuckin thoughts of yours


    All my love,

    I'm here,
    I've listened to the whole album!!!
    It was weird, but at the same time crazy, I'm totally in love with it, it's so fucking awesome, and I'm going crazy with
    "too many puppies" 😂.
    This definitely brought me back to the 90s, I'm thankful 🤘🖤


    New Student
    Jan 17, 2021
    So I've heard of Primus and turns out I saw them live with Tool in 2016 (my husband drug me to that show...haha). They've never really been on my radar so on your suggestion, went to check out a few songs. I'm a visual person so watching them play has more impact. Holy shit...I've never seen anyone play bass like that before...very cool. I have to say, they're funky and I like it! I'm hearing Jimmy in the drums...like is that a similar snare tone? I'm not a musician and barely able to describe what music sounds like to me. I just know how it makes me feel. I'm gonna crank this album while cleaning house today! Miss your face, Syn! 🤘😁
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    Synner Endless Summer Collection

    Daniel Sobota

    Garage band Groupie
    Nov 11, 2019
    Dubrovnik, Croatia
    Aight, I've listened to some of the album and I immediately realized that they influenced a bunch of different shit. The guitar tone reminds me of Pinkly Smooth and the vocal effects sound similar to what Jimmy was doing on Unfortunate Snort. So I totally get why you're inspired by this album, Syn.

    But I also heard a bit of Tool in there as well, believe it or not. Specifically Undertow-era Tool. Actually, a lot of the early 90's alt metal bands can be traced back to this album it seems.

    And I can see why Metallica wanted Les to join the band. The man can really play bass.