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Dustin Stevens

Campfire Attention Holder
  • Nov 11, 2019
    Im listening right now and im on carry stress in the jaw and to be honest its a lot to take. Part of me feels like this song would go well played in like the old 70's scooby doo show or like courage the cowardly dog show lol and then out of nowhere it takes a turn to some crazy guitar shit. Ill keep listening. I think i like it... idk what i think.
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    Jaxon Muller

    Free Bird Player
    Nov 11, 2019
    Tulsa, OK
    Previously I'd never explored Mr. Bungle's discography outside of their self-titled 1991 album, however, in the spirit of this discussion I went ahead and listened through Disco Volante while on a lengthy drive yesterday. I must say, it kind of messed me up haha. It's probably the most abstract album I've ever heard in my life. At the same time, it's tonally congruent in the way that I know I'm listening to the same group and album the whole way through, despite it being kind of all over the place.

    To Syn's point about no clown music and traditional singing, I was a little disappointed by that at first (mostly because I LOVE the circus clown sounds especially now around Halloween) but tbh I got over that quickly because the album is just such a mindbender. I feel like I'm listening to artists whose understanding of sound and music is so far beyond anything I can fully comprehend and subsequently appreciate with my limited skills. This is def an acquired taste, but not in a pejorative way, rather just that it takes a well-equipped listener to really appreciate it. I'm always interested in exploring my influences' influences so this was a cool opportunity. In a way I feel like this album encouraged me to pursue recording of my own because this strips away prior notions of what songs or an album needs to be. The crazy voices, the wild arrangements, etc... it's just kind of like a schizophrenic compilation piece full of expression and a kind of wonder. All in all, glad I could explore something new... Love the back story about the song that Syn provides with regard to his own experiences.
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    Jaxon Muller

    Free Bird Player
    Nov 11, 2019
    Tulsa, OK
    Bungle is a group I've always wanted to dive into, but never have. That's right, I have literally never heard a single Mr. Bungle song. That will change today on my bike ride. This album will be in the buds. I'll report back. Thanks, Syn!
    Check out their self-titled album.. full of circus clown sounds and monster aesthetics (if an album can convey aesthetics) but just really cool and unique. I probably wouldn't categorize them as being particularly "catchy" but I feel like the trade-off is a sort of next-level consciousness, kind of out-of-mind.
    Synner Endless Summer Collection

    Alec Lewis

    Stairway to Heaven Tab Studier
  • Nov 11, 2019
    I've it really listened to Their self titled record(trust me don't try to study while listening to that one) and I love it! May have to give this one a try as well!
    Haha its funny you say that cause Bungle was my study music for a while in high school and through some art classes in college, got me into the creative mood I guess. Never disco Volante though that album is definitely more of a acquired taste. I'll have to listen to the whole thing when I get the chance I only heard a couple of the first songs.
    • Haha
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    Yosi Yamin

    Music Theory Bragger
    Nov 11, 2019
    I listened to the whole album and holy f**k. Its so confusing and crazy!! I definitely heard some influences that you guys might have gotten from them. I'm not used to this kind of music so I didn't fully get it, but I do feel that spark of curiousness and will listen to it a few more times, and then report back again!
    Desert Search For Techno Allah especially stood out for me. I went ahead and gave "California" A full listen as well afterwards and I fell in love with most songs on the spot! The original version of Retrovertigo is definitely my favorite song from Bungle so far.


    New Student
    Oct 24, 2020
    I’ve been listening to a lot of new music during this difficult time. Just got into Discrepancies who released their album “The Rise” yesterday. They’re a rap/rock band. Others I’ve gotten into are Defences, Dropout Kings, Blessing a Curse, Execution Day, The Sight of Impact, and Smile on the Sinner.
    Synner Endless Summer Collection

    Raquel Sousa Calvoso

    New Student
    Sep 25, 2020
    Achei muito boa a ideia de compartilhar suas inspirações na música, essa interação é muito boa, ouvi algumas músicas do Mr. Bungle e no começo achei uma bagunça hahah, mas gostei do som, me lembra algumas Slipknot song (que sou muito fã), eles também usam essas coisas "estranhas" no som que dão um efeito muito legal. Eu adorei e adorei a indicação, você é demais


    Garage band Groupie
    Nov 11, 2019
    Valparaiso Indiana
    I will say I’m not the biggest fan personally of Mr Bungles latest material from the past couple weeks, but Stubb a Dubb and Squeeze me macaroni are great songs! That entire album is amazing! Love all the brass and crazy bass lines! It’s in my top 10 albums of all time! My Ass is On Fire is good as well! Musically there’s just so much going on in that album. I’ve listened to each song like 10000 times and each time I focus in on a different instrument and just get lost. Stubb a Dubb is a great song for that kinda thing. I hate to sound typical but I hope one day Avenged could put out a crazy record like that....don’t think I forgot about “Baby, Pass the Gravy” lol syn those off the wall jazz chords from that snippet where fucking awesome! I learned it immediately and play it quit a bit haha!


    Local Dive Bar Favorite
    Contest Winner!
  • Oct 21, 2020
    I will say I’m not the biggest fan personally of Mr Bungles latest material from the past couple weeks, but Stubb a Dubb and Squeeze me macaroni are great songs! That entire album is amazing! Love all the brass and crazy bass lines! It’s in my top 10 albums of all time! My Ass is On Fire is good as well! Musically there’s just so much going on in that album. I’ve listened to each song like 10000 times and each time I focus in on a different instrument and just get lost. Stubb a Dubb is a great song for that kinda thing. I hate to sound typical but I hope one day Avenged could put out a crazy record like that....don’t think I forgot about “Baby, Pass the Gravy” lol syn those off the wall jazz chords from that snippet where fucking awesome! I learned it immediately and play it quit a bit haha!
    I don't think A7X will put out such a crazy record one day, but I wish we could hear Pinkly Smooth's unreleased songs. Syn once said that he would share them with the fans, so I'm still waiting for this day to come...
    Btw, I'm jealous that you've met Syn 😭 hope one day I can meet him too

    Chris Johnston

    Music Theory Bragger
  • Nov 11, 2019
    North Ayrshire, Scotland
    Just started the album, track one was definitely a strange ride, I actually like the fact that it's an acquired taste!

    Chemical Marriage is such a strange tune too, it's like you're in a transe of some sort 😂 and I swear that's Abe Simpson on track three!

    Loving the vibe so far, my commute today is going to be an interesting one 🤟 Thanks for the heads up, Syn!
    Synner Endless Summer Collection

    Syn Gates

    Staff member
    Sep 18, 2019
    Huntington Beach
    Previously I'd never explored Mr. Bungle's discography outside of their self-titled 1991 album, however, in the spirit of this discussion I went ahead and listened through Disco Volante while on a lengthy drive yesterday. I must say, it kind of fucked me up haha. It's probably the most abstract album I've ever heard in my life. At the same time, it's tonally congruent in the way that I know I'm listening to the same group and album the whole way through, despite it being kind of all over the place.

    To Syn's point about no clown music and traditional singing, I was a little disappointed by that at first (mostly because I LOVE the circus clown sounds especially now around Halloween) but tbh I got over that quickly because the album is just such a mindfuck. I feel like I'm listening to artists whose understanding of sound and music is so far beyond anything I can fully comprehend and subsequently appreciate with my limited skills. This is def an acquired taste, but not in a pejorative way, rather just that it takes a well-equipped listener to really appreciate it. I'm always interested in exploring my influences' influences so this was a cool opportunity. In a way I feel like this album encouraged me to pursue recording of my own because this strips away prior notions of what songs or an album needs to be. The crazy voices, the wild arrangements, etc... it's just kind of like a schizophrenic compilation piece full of expression and a kind of wonder. All in all, glad I could explore something new... Love the back story about the song that Syn provides with regard to his own experiences.
    I love this response! Listening to stuff like this will absolutely raise your abilities. If you can hear what the individual instruments are doing, even if not transcribed, your ear will develop so much faster and deeper and you will naturally apply unique qualities to your playing and music.

    You don’t have to write like this for this record to help you. I write pretty “in” shit but there’s not doubt that the depth of some of our arrangements goes a little beyond normal or standard. And if you haven’t noticed, that’s even better because you never want it to detract from the melody and harmony of the song. It’s there to support and make you feel a certain way but not know why.

    Syn Gates

    Staff member
    Sep 18, 2019
    Huntington Beach
    Achei muito boa a ideia de compartilhar suas inspirações na música, essa interação é muito boa, ouvi algumas músicas do Mr. Bungle e no começo achei uma bagunça hahah, mas gostei do som, me lembra algumas Slipknot song (que sou muito fã), eles também usam essas coisas "estranhas" no som que dão um efeito muito legal. Eu adorei e adorei a indicação, você é demais
    Eu também sou um grande fã do slipknot! eles definitivamente fazem alguma merda maluca! que bom que você está reservando um tempo para ouvir!