So I'm listening to it now
The godfather: it's basically beginning as I was expecting but after that. Holy shit

it's like heavy and a little weird at the same time and almost not recognizable. It's exactly the right kind of weird for me
Der Golem: damn, this sounds pretty ominous really. Pretty damn cool! Can't help head banging at this one really!
Experiment in terror: I think this is my favourite so far. I love how it's chill yet sounding a bit dark, that's something I enjoy a lot. Love the strings too!
One Step Beyond: Ooh, I love this! This sounds spooky af and I'm not into horror at all but love the music!
Night of the hunter: hahah, this is awesome! It has exactly the right amount of spooky/creepy. Also love the sounds effects created by scraping the guitar!
Cape Fear; I'm starting to find a ominous theme. Sound like there's a bunch of diminished(?) Stuff going on and it sounds wicked!
Rosemary's Baby: Mike Patton's voice lends itself so well for this! Those lala lalas freak me out. Sounds incredibly cool really!
The devil Rides out: another spooky song, diminished stuff lends itself so well for this! I love diminished stuff in general but never use it for this so there's some new inspiration right there!
Spider Baby: hahaha, I love this!
The omen(ve Santana): damn, this is pretty Brutal which isn't entirely my cup of tea. Do have to say I love the choir tho!
Henry: portrait of a serial Killer: ooh, this is nice. Love how the intro is done with the siren and the buildup afterwards!
Vendetta: damn, this is awesome! Love how Mike's voice is used is this and the instrumental sounds killer too!
Investigation of a citizen above suspicion: the beginning of thjs sing just speaks to me for some reason, it just sounds so wicked. Great build up too, love how to guitar becomes more prominent after a while while the theme remains the same, that works really great!
Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With me: another awesome song! I love Mike's softer voice and this song just sounds incredible! Also love the epic climax but at 1 minute and how it goes back to chill after. Really cool drumbeat coming in round 1m23 that sounds pretty hip hoppy to me
Charade: another really cool song! The ding ding bit

I love how crazy Mike gets at time's!
In the end I think this is not that far off of what I would expect from Mike Patton after listening to Mr. bungle(which I'm frankly more familiar with than Faith no more). It also really showcases the amazing vocalist that he is!
I gotta say, it's kinda funny that these are basically soundtracks because I've always loved soundtracks and actually am making one for a movie in the foreseeable future(I got myself like 5 courses on how to make a soundtrack so I won't actually suck
