Here let me set the metronome to 4 4 beat and hit the bass drum 50 times.
The meaning of music is not to write a song with as many notes as possible or with many techniques or hard rythms. Music is about what you feel. It doesn't matter if it's simple or not. The artists want you to feel happy or sad or whatever. Sure it's hard to write songs where everyone feels the same. And it's hard to write a song that let feels you the feeling the artist wants to. And that's why everyone have another taste in music.
And THIS is the reason why I love A7x. They got a song for every situation.
Sometimes I want to listen to a fast song -> City of Evil
Sometimes I want to listen to a badass song -> Hail to the King (album)
Sometimes I want a sad and slow song -> Roman Sky
In every situation you want to hear other songs.
And yeah, I don't like pop so much too. But there are people who don't know much about music (like 5/4 or 7/8 rythm) and they can't enjoy what we enjoy because they don't understand that.
They don't know how big and great music can be...