I’m still blown away by how good this site is and how good the video lessons are. All you young people who grew up with high speed internet, y’all probably can’t understand how amazing this is. When I was young if you wanted to learn guitar you could maybe find a crappy book at the library or maybe there would be a local teacher who would charge big money to probably not teach you much more than some basics. There were some instructional vhs tapes, but they’re hard to learn from and you wouldn’t know they even existed; you wouldn’t see them in your local music store and the internet wasn’t a big thing. Great guitarists were as hard to meet as unicorns, and wanting to learn guitar from the actual musicians you heard on the radio was as much of a fantasy as wanting to become a wizard. If you wanted to see a great guitar performance you probably had to go to a concert. Message boards started to become popular while I was in high school, but they weren’t that great. A big problem was there wasn’t any kind of youtube or instagram or anything like that for sharing videos. If you needed help or someone wanted to give you advice, it happened by crappy text-only descriptions. And no, most people didn’t have digital-capable cameras or any idea of how to get a photo onto the internet.
The thing is, I’m not even old. This isn’t ancient history. I haven’t reached 35 yet.