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HOMEWORK: Lesson 14


Campfire Attention Holder
  • Nov 11, 2019
    Warrenton, NC
    Here’s mine! Obviously not perfect, but trying very hard. Tried my best on it even though it’s my first time completely by ear. Apologies for the rushed video as well, but my dad literally got home towards the end of the video and I had to run an errand. LOL. I definitely picked out some things I need to work on, but hope it’s ok anyway…I’m sorry to your ears if it offends them and I ruined the song for you. But I did feel very confident in a few of the chord choices!
    Lesson 14 Transcribing Video
    Nicely done Ids! I like that song too 🙂 I’m very glad you pushed your comfort zone, keep singing and you’ll feel more comfortable doing it.
    Well done for your first time transcribing Rowan. I know you were in a rush, I would just say work on your chord changes.


    Campfire Attention Holder
  • Nov 11, 2019
    Warrenton, NC
    Ids, I love how unlike my transcription, your chord changes are so effortless and fluid. I want to try to get that well with chords that aren’t as familiar to me. Also, your voice is extremely relaxing. I enjoyed it. Volume will come to you as you get more confident. I wish I could show you the difference between my singing and now. Keep it up and you will succeed! Just make sure instead of relying solely on your lungs, you’re singing with the power of your diaphragm. That will improve the volume as well especially once you get used to it and get your diaphragm stronger. Overall, I don’t have much to say about your guitar playing, other than I appreciated how fluid and effortless it seemed for you. 🙂
    Synner Endless Summer Collection

    Evan Cosman

    Free Bird Player
    Nov 11, 2019
    You both did really well 🙂 Ids i really felt the feels there, and Rowan awesome work keep it up!
    I have a really terrible attention span so I have kinda learned different riffs from different songs and solos haha, I’ll try to focus more on one song and get that posted


    Sold-out Crowd Surfer
    Nov 11, 2019
    I have been realizing lately that time is kind of essential when you learn something new or like to maintain techniques aswell. I’m also kinda lacking the time lately aswell unfortunately.
    I’m sure you can get more comfortable with the chord changes aswell when you have more time to practice Rowan!
    Synner Endless Summer Collection
    Better late than never!! Here is “Ain’t it Fun” a cover by Guns N’ Roses (original by Dead Boys). The song uses the chords we learned on the lesson A G D, but is tuned 1/2 step down. I am playing the lead, which is based on the Am Pentatonic scale. This is one of my ALL TIME FAVOURITE lead parts, it’s so classy and smoky. I have learned everything by ear, it has taken me several hours of work and I’m halfway done the whole song. I want to continue until I learn it in its entirety, I’ve always dreamed of playing it (Hail to the King is to Jak, as this song is to me lol :p)
    Can someone give me feedback on how to improve my playing? I think my picking hand is not consistent and I need to mute strings better. (Also, my good mic died on me halfway through the recording so that’s why the audio changes so drastically.)

    This reply was modified 7 months, 1 week ago by  Aileé Guerra Aréizaga.