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I need help in progressing my guitar skills

Over the year ive been playing i learned the basics like pulloffs hammer ons and many variations of these techniques, this is also a redo of the last post because people think i dont know english also never thought anyone would reply. I play alot of billy talent which i suggest some of you beasts to listen to alot of drop d riffs from them. I also love avenged and am struggling with their songs i wish to learn tapping and sweeping
And to try make ny own music ive tried taking music class but never passed becauss i sucked but now im way better than i was a year ago thats all i know. I know many chords and most basic ones but need more to feel better i just hope someone here can help me individually because the videos are boring and want to learn what i want to learn asap yunno?

Calvin Phillips

Music Theory Bragger
Nov 11, 2019
Just saying the only reason I assumed you didnt speak English was cause it seemed you wanted to post everything in the title. No offense intended there.
With that said.. I still think you should look and spend time on each lesson from 1 on.

Ed Seith

Supreme Galactic Overlord
Staff member
  • Nov 11, 2019
    Marana, AZ USA
    So you don’t want lessons because they’re boring, and you don’t want to watch the actually-quite-good videos here because they’re boring, but you want to be super-mega-awesome guitar player.
    You have unrealistic expectations. It’s a LOT of work. It’s a LOT of repetition. It’s a lot of tedium. That’s how it’s done.
    The lessons are good. They’re short, too. Once you start zipping through them to find the level you should start at, each of them should take you a week or longer to get something real from them.
    Have patience, with yourself and the process. If you don’t have any patience, then find another site to teach you how to have patience, then come back here :).

    Calvin Phillips

    Music Theory Bragger
    Nov 11, 2019
    In the video.. pg is legit telling you what to do.
    He goes into precise detail why you should do what he says. in every video. I’m gonna guess you havent really watched a video fully yet. If you did you would see pg definitely doesnt make it boring. Those melodies he plays get stuck in my head all day. His that boring!?
    Seriously tho hell he a better teacher then anyone you’ll find in person and it’s free. I think you’re just too impatient. Like I was when I started. Dont be like me.
    Synner Endless Summer Collection

    Mitchell Matossi

    Free Bird Player
    Nov 11, 2019
    I think Ed and Calvin hit this one right on the bullseye. While I’ve only started this week, the videos on here are very informative, and well layed out. They’ve put a lot of thought and effort into this program. Especially having the tabs and the option for the fretboard, and being able to slow down the video to a pace you can work at if need be. PG is definitely an excellent teacher, being able to lay out these concepts and theories in a way that’s easy to understand.
    As for the videos being boring, that’s a rather personal perspective, not everyone is going to enjoy it. Personally I find them entertaining. At least entertaining enough I’ll watch one several times if I don’t think I quite understand something being explained.
    Just my 0.02 cents