Hey guys. So from sometime i was taking a break of playing guitar and starting to play the guitar again and its going back and fourth. Some day i would be like i want to play guitar for 1 or 2 hours but i just play guitar for like 15 or 10 minutes. I want to take guitar seriously and im not really motivate and it also really bugging me that i sometimes quit and watch covers of people play songs on the guitar on YouTube and right now high school is somewhat taking all my energy down which im too tried to play guitar but on the weekends i dont have a guitar at home and ii want one but i use a guitar at a drop in center for teens and i play guitar there but i only play guitar there on Saturdays but its only open one week and a weekend but on school days its open but im not really motivate to play guitar and i dont have the time to since im in high school. So i dont what to do. P.S I love you guys you guys are like my second family to me.