Hello everyone. I have been off the school for quite some time now, and I decided to hop back on here because i finally got the time to. I have been busy with work and such and I haven’t picked up my guitar since before I went to Vegas last month. I played a bit there at the guitar center there. Which was EPIC btw. You should go sometime. But since then I have been busy with work. So anyways, I finally got the chance to pick up my guitar again, and it feels so weird and I feel like I have lost so much progress and now o feel behind and I can’t play like I could anymore. It discourages me. What should I do. I feel like crap when I play cuz I know i used to be able to play better and to here myself dropping off really sucks. What’s a good way to regain what I had. My picking has gone to crap, i can barley sweep anymore, tapping hurts and I just have forgotten so much . Help!