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I'm back. It felt like forever. Help me please

Dylan Burley

Free Bird Player
Nov 11, 2019
Hello everyone. I have been off the school for quite some time now, and I decided to hop back on here because i finally got the time to. I have been busy with work and such and I haven’t picked up my guitar since before I went to Vegas last month. I played a bit there at the guitar center there. Which was EPIC btw. You should go sometime. But since then I have been busy with work. So anyways, I finally got the chance to pick up my guitar again, and it feels so weird and I feel like I have lost so much progress and now o feel behind and I can’t play like I could anymore. It discourages me. What should I do. I feel like crap when I play cuz I know i used to be able to play better and to here myself dropping off really sucks. What’s a good way to regain what I had. My picking has gone to crap, i can barley sweep anymore, tapping hurts and I just have forgotten so much 😭. Help!

Dominik Gräber

Hot Topic Tourer
Contest Winner!
  • Nov 11, 2019
    Maybe not overthinking everything. I am sure that is something you can do in no time again. For me it is kind of the same, I practice way less than I used to and I feel like I am losing progress in some aspects. What helped me is just relaxing and playing absolutely for fun. Just jamming and improvising riffs, maybe throw a little solo in that you know well.
    Also when you’ve done that for 10-15 Minutes you should also be perfectly warmed up to get into the harder stuff again.
    Oh and yes, tapping sucks. Did it two days ago, practiced pretty long, could not tap yesterday haha.

    Firsty Lasty

    New Student
    Nov 11, 2019
    There were a couple times I took a few or more years away from playing guitar. For me it was far easier to regain skills and knowledge I had forgotten than it was to learn them the first time. The last time I came back from a long break I felt like I couldn’t remember more than a couple scale shapes and some basic chords, but as I worked at it it was like my music-brain slowly came out of hibernation and everything came back. Your body remembers more than what your conscious mind remembers, it just might take a little time to get going again.
    Synner Endless Summer Collection

    Jak Angelescu

    Don’t ever be in competition with yourself. There is no such thing as constant improvement without any type of set back. This is something that happens in life you’ll get it back!It’s not like you’ve completely forgotten everything. Everybody goes through it 🙂

    Brian Haner Sr.

    Staff member
    Fucking Legend
    Nov 11, 2019
    I have taken time off a few times in my career. It always sucks getting back into it. Go back to basics. Run some scales. Practice alt-picking, etc. It will come back a lot faster than you think.
    Good Luck!

    Christopher Lonski

    Free Bird Player
    Nov 11, 2019
    You don’t “suck” now. All that happened, and I hope everyone pays attention to this- if your technique feels off and you think you are playing sloppy, there’s a pretty good chance your hands are out of sync with each other. The two halves of your brain just needs to sync up. To make both hands move in unison again, just play any picking exercise SUPER slow and your pick strikes the string at the EXACT same time that your fretting hand puts a finger down/lifts one up. Play painfully slow, but just make sure that everything is played as perfectly as possible.