I'm really glad you finally got him to taking his playing to the next levelHell, you won't believe how much shit that I taught Syn is gonna be on the next album. Next level. He's gotten really good. You won't believe it.

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JOIN THE DISCORD VIEW THREADI'm really glad you finally got him to taking his playing to the next levelHell, you won't believe how much shit that I taught Syn is gonna be on the next album. Next level. He's gotten really good. You won't believe it.
IDK man, my sister likes his looks... for some reason...And as someone who's been a gamer and a nerd for longer than most of you have been alive, it's disappointing to no end how elitist and toxic nerd and gaming culture have become. It's everything we promised we would NEVER EVER BE, and it saddens me.
Thankfully, my daughter is a metalhead and a gamer and has no fucks to give what anyone thinks of that either way.
Hey, I get compared to Ed sheeran a bunch in the past. You calling me ugly now?Then we drove past a billboard for a local radio station with a picture of Ed Sheeran on it. We both saw it at the same time and stopped talking. She slowly turned to look at me... "Ahem.. You were saying?"
I can see we'll probably never be able to see eye to eye on this, but I'm glad we can have a civil conversation and that I can still call you a friend. Keep rocking.I am sorry if you took my post as an accusation of anything, but I think it is an interesting thing to think about how we might associate a certain tonal quality (like that of Pantera) with testosterone/masculinity.
As for the gatekeeping in the gaming world, pokimane and alinity's actions/business decisions/whatever you want to call it, should only reflect on them. The fact is that women are constantly having to present themselves as 'real' and deserving of a place in all sorts of communities. I've gotten all sorts of shit spewed at me online, just because I 'revealed' myself as being a woman. The default assumption (especially online) is just that you are only there because you want attention.
Let's put it this way. We all know someone who says they look like this or that fabulously beautiful person, and you can kinda see the resemblance, but in your friend - the pieces just don't add up in the same way and the friend is kind of a train wreck.Hey, I get compared to Ed sheeran a bunch in the past. You calling me ugly now?![]()
There's Orianthi & Nikki Stringfield!I have noticed that all the guitarists I look up to are all males and I can’t really even think of any female guitarists I like. I’m a huge fan of death metal and just really heavy in your face stuff and I haven’t found a single female guitarist who does that style. I’m a huge fan of children of bodom and thats the type of stuff I wanna play but yet again I haven’t seen any girls play that.
the main reason for that is because most woman aren’t into metal they are mainly into pop or what’s on the radio because it’s what they know and it’s shoved in their faces. I was raised listening to led zeppelin, ozzy and Queen and as I got older I discovered more metal on my own.
another big factor is looks sadly. You could be an amazing guitarist but if your not hot or the stereotypical pretty girl your going no where! Like their are some female guitarist who aren’t the greatest but made it cuz their sexy. I’m not gonna name people cuz I don’t wanna start shit haha
Im gonna be honest I’m not fans of them at all lol I just can’t get into themThere's Orianthi & Nikki Stringfield!
A point you made about growing up listening to certain artists speaks volumes. If you’re not exposed to certain types of music at a younger age it’s unlikely you’ll care for it later on. I’m much the same, my mom solely listened to rock music so it was mostly all I knew as a child. Many of my beloved bands/artists and genres of music are those of which I was exposed to very early on in life.I have noticed that all the guitarists I look up to are all males and I can’t really even think of any female guitarists I like. I’m a huge fan of death metal and just really heavy in your face stuff and I haven’t found a single female guitarist who does that style. I’m a huge fan of children of bodom and thats the type of stuff I wanna play but yet again I haven’t seen any girls play that.
the main reason for that is because most woman aren’t into metal they are mainly into pop or what’s on the radio because it’s what they know and it’s shoved in their faces. I was raised listening to led zeppelin, ozzy and Queen and as I got older I discovered more metal on my own.
another big factor is looks sadly. You could be an amazing guitarist but if your not hot or the stereotypical pretty girl your going no where! Like their are some female guitarist who aren’t the greatest but made it cuz their sexy. I’m not gonna name people cuz I don’t wanna start shit haha
There was a girl on IG last year that would be right up your alley. I can't remember her name, and I haven't seen a post from her in a long time, but she played a lot of TDM type stuff, REALLY technical and tasty, and attractive but not Barbie AT ALL. She was awesome. I'll have to see if I can remember more about her and find her for you.I have noticed that all the guitarists I look up to are all males and I can’t really even think of any female guitarists I like. I’m a huge fan of death metal and just really heavy in your face stuff and I haven’t found a single female guitarist who does that style. I’m a huge fan of children of bodom and thats the type of stuff I wanna play but yet again I haven’t seen any girls play that.
the main reason for that is because most woman aren’t into metal they are mainly into pop or what’s on the radio because it’s what they know and it’s shoved in their faces. I was raised listening to led zeppelin, ozzy and Queen and as I got older I discovered more metal on my own.
another big factor is looks sadly. You could be an amazing guitarist but if your not hot or the stereotypical pretty girl your going no where! Like their are some female guitarist who aren’t the greatest but made it cuz their sexy. I’m not gonna name people cuz I don’t wanna start shit haha
Yeah, this is pretty much what I think too. I didn't want it to come off as "women can't enjoy metal", not in the slightest. The reason why I got into metal is because of my older sister who played it all the time when I was little, haha!I dont think metal is masculine. I'm 5'6 and scrawny as shit. I just agree with Daniel that it makes more sense that biologically men have more testosterone, so a more intense genre would be more appealing to that demographic. BY NO MEANS AM I SAYING WOMEN CAN'T ENJOY IT. I'm just saying it makes more sense it would appeal to men. As for community acceptance, I feel like the gaming world is more gatekept to girls because of people like Pokimaine and Alinity. However, I have a really good friend who's a girl, we play Call of Duty together a lot. My sister and I play mortal kombat together a lot. I've never personally seen anyone get gatekept from metal for anything other than a disagreement in musical taste.
Honestly, we can make a whole anthropological research about this, and I think it should be done because it's interesting.I have noticed that all the guitarists I look up to are all males and I can’t really even think of any female guitarists I like. I’m a huge fan of death metal and just really heavy in your face stuff and I haven’t found a single female guitarist who does that style. I’m a huge fan of children of bodom and thats the type of stuff I wanna play but yet again I haven’t seen any girls play that.
the main reason for that is because most woman aren’t into metal they are mainly into pop or what’s on the radio because it’s what they know and it’s shoved in their faces. I was raised listening to led zeppelin, ozzy and Queen and as I got older I discovered more metal on my own.
another big factor is looks sadly. You could be an amazing guitarist but if your not hot or the stereotypical pretty girl your going no where! Like their are some female guitarist who aren’t the greatest but made it cuz their sexy. I’m not gonna name people cuz I don’t wanna start shit haha
I’m a huge fan of death metal and just really heavy in your face stuff and I haven’t found a single female guitarist who does that style. I’m a huge fan of children of bodom and thats the type of stuff I wanna play but yet again I haven’t seen any girls play that.
Luckily the world is changing. Hallelujah!!! What you describe is what happened back in the 80s. Young women this century do definitely have a different mindset. Now most of them aren't programmed to become mothers and leave their careers on behalf of their families or stuff like that. Also I guess that young men are changing too and don't think anymore that women HAVE TO.One of the wisest things I ever heard in my life is this gem from Howard Bloom - "if you want to know why, ask how."
Nobody has it easy in the music business. Why do people succeed in metal? Ask how. How people succeed in the metal business is by investing the time and taking the risks necessary.
Do women invest the time and take the risks in the way that men do?
Do women produce equal results for the time invested and risks taken?
The answer to the first is generally no, for many reasons.
It's hard to discuss the second question without risking offending people so I'll be blunt. A lot of things in life are easier if you're a young man in good health, preferably tall. It's not just about playing guitar, even surviving life on the road is notoriously hard. A lot of metal bands only made it because they toured and played live more than was healthy.
Men and women are different, they develop differently, they're treated differently, and they don't have the same mindset at the same age. A young man and a young woman aren't the same thing with different dangly bits.