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Looking For a Theory Study Buddy


Jak Angelescu

Hey there everyone! I’m really trying to take this seriously. As I posted up a blues jam video a few days ago, Papa Gates gave me some eye-opening advice about applying scales I never thought would work in a billion years. I applied his advice and felt my improving go to a completely different level in no time! Being ecstatic about it, I went to my singer who plays piano and I asked her for some help on applying this concept further. She helped me figure out some other scales I could play that really brightened everything up. Problem is, is that she’s not extremely proficient with it and she admits to being wrong at times. I work with her whenever I can, but this led me to feel that I’d best benefit from having someone on here who I can reach out to that really knows their stuff. Papa Gates and Syn are both excellent at lending a hand when I have needed it but I’d like to not use them for a crutch (trying to respect their busy lives) and I’d like to learn from the other students on here if possible. Especially with the lessons tapping more into theory as I progress.
Any reach outs would be greatly appreciated!

Julian Barton

Free Bird Player
Nov 11, 2019
I would love to get a thread started (and maybe pinned) on topics that are super important in theory and not talked about on here. Not only that but maybe some generous people could link pages on that topic! It would be like a forum on a hacking site where people would pitch in and the knowledge would just spread all over the place. I know there are some people on this site who are amazing and sit there quietly so I also encourage those people to jump in and help others because I can tell you the advice I have been given is absolutely amazing.
Synner Endless Summer Collection

Calvin Phillips

Music Theory Bragger
Nov 11, 2019
I find with so much to learn you dont stop to focus on some of the stuff enough at a time. Like, I had caged system down but I dont think if I picked it up I’d get it til I saw the numbers again cause its been so long cause I started focusing on different scales. Honestly, I think I only am on lesson 60 or so, due to the amount of content to memorize lol
So a buddy definitely helps there. What exactly are you trying to nail down right now?


Sold-out Crowd Surfer
Nov 11, 2019
@calvin let’s take the C major scale. Can you find the 7 positions of the C Major scale? Those are basically the modes. I’m not entirely sure how to call all of them but for example starting on G would make it G mixolydian(at least that’s what I think if I’m wrong please correct me)


Ids you are correct. Emphasis would then be on the G, B, D and F instead of the C E G and B. Starting from ever note in the major scale gives you a new flavour.
You have;
Ionian (Major) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Dorian 1 2 b3 4 5 6 b7
Phyrgian 1 b2 b3 4 5 b6 b7
Lydian 1 2 3 #4 5 6 7
Mixolydian 1 3 4 5 6 b7
Aeolian (Natural minor) 1 2 b3 4 5 b6 b7
Locrian 1 b2 b3 4 b5 b6 b7
Synner Endless Summer Collection

Calvin Phillips

Music Theory Bragger
Nov 11, 2019
had a full on message of how I’m finding pictures of Dorian mode online that are 100% not the same as the videos here, which is adding to my confusion. Went to post and apparently I was posting duplicates? So, I’m just going to just write in lame terms since apparently nothing was working there.. can post a bunch of letters but not a post I apparently already posted even though I never posted it..
Anyways, I’m looking for a full map of the fretboard of each mode, since online there are so many different variations which are probably not right, as they dont match the ones in the videos from papa gates. It’s driving me completely nuts, dont want to learn something that is fake.. want to make sure I write down the correct notes before actually practicing them.
Synner Endless Summer Collection


Sold-out Crowd Surfer
Nov 11, 2019
Yeah Ben Newton is right! The modes also work as the caged system. The name of the mode mostly shows when youbhave like the ionian scale on which note you start. For example if you take the C Major scale:
You’re in C ionian
However if you start exactly the same scale on G:
You’re in G mxolydian and as long as the notes are write you can play them anywhere on the neck as is learned in the caged system