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Make The Riff Section Great Again

Synner Endless Summer Collection

Alicia Willis

  • Nov 11, 2019
    Lexington, South Carolina
    "Nobody here gives a flying fuck what you look like." 👏👏👏👏
    You NAILED IT. Everyone has seen me having clothes on the floor, messy, greasy hair, no bra, mismatched pjs and so much more. No one cares.

    PS: all Hail the Lego catapult. And great job on the Sweet Child O Mine solo!!
    Haha I forgot to show it so here’s my awesome catapult my son made 😂 it works magically as a phone stand !

    and you’re too kind 😍

    I honestly thought of changing clothes and doing my hair and adding makeup but then I was like....nah, I want it to be real ! Aside from being afraid to post as beginners, I feel sometimes us ladies are afraid to post if we aren’t all dolled up and I wanted to address that as well! 👍🏻

    Jak Angelescu

    Haha I forgot to show it so here’s my awesome catapult my son made 😂 it works magically as a phone stand !

    and you’re too kind 😍

    I honestly thought of changing clothes and doing my hair and adding makeup but then I was like....nah, I want it to be real ! Aside from being afraid to post as beginners, I feel sometimes us ladies are afraid to post if we aren’t all dolled up and I wanted to address that as well! 👍🏻
    That's what resonated so much with me. Being a plus size woman It was quite literally terrifying for me to show my body or my face in any way shape or form. Especially the metal industry of females is slathered with super thin breast implanted hot bombshells. So it makes it really uncomfortable for women to try to play metal without looking like a supermodel. I have been there before too in the beginning of the school and that's what I love so much about this!

    Alicia Willis

  • Nov 11, 2019
    Lexington, South Carolina
    Haha I forgot to show it so here’s my awesome catapult my son made 😂 it works magically as a phone stand !

    and you’re too kind 😍

    I honestly thought of changing clothes and doing my hair and adding makeup but then I was like....nah, I want it to be real ! Aside from being afraid to post as beginners, I feel sometimes us ladies are afraid to post if we aren’t all dolled up and I wanted to address that as well! 👍🏻
    Crap. Just realized the file was too big for my photo 😭

    Alicia Willis

  • Nov 11, 2019
    Lexington, South Carolina
    That's what resonated so much with me. Being a plus size woman It was quite literally terrifying for me to show my body or my face in any way shape or form. Especially the metal industry of females is slathered with super thin breast implanted hot bombshells. So it makes it really uncomfortable for women to try to play metal without looking like a supermodel. I have been there before too in the beginning of the school and that's what I love so much about this!
    Yesssssss !!!!!
    girl you nailed it ! Like,I see these babes in their skin tight leather with perfect hair and I’m just like....meh, I’ve got a whole husband and kid to take care of and a job....I don’t have time for that often. Lmao. I mean when I do it’s for me, but it shouldn’t be our first thought when posting a video ! and honestly for awhile I wouldn’t post because I’d take a video and I would critique my appearance as opposed to what I was playing or saying and thats no bueno !
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    Reactions: Jak Angelescu
    Synner Endless Summer Collection

    Calvin Phillips

    Music Theory Bragger
    Nov 11, 2019
    "Nobody here gives a flying fuck what you look like." 👏👏👏👏
    You NAILED IT. Everyone has seen me having clothes on the floor, messy, greasy hair, no bra, mismatched pjs and so much more. No one cares.

    PS: all Hail the Lego catapult. And great job on the Sweet Child O Mine solo!!
    Wait those pjs werent suppose to match up like that?

    Dominik Gräber

    Hot Topic Tourer
    Contest Winner!
  • Nov 11, 2019
    Wellp as promised I made a lil update to share my current guitar journey. I encourage everybody to try. That way we get to know each other beyond our type style.

    Awesome! Thanks so much for that insight! Those 3 Notes from Buried already got me! 😂
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    Reactions: Christian Schulze
    Synner Endless Summer Collection