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Moving Past Beginner

Christopher Lonski

Free Bird Player
Nov 11, 2019
Only you can really answer that. How comfortable are you with it? I would say that its definitely important to keep mlearning new material and moving forward. The major and minor scales are something you will continue to work on for a long time, so you dont have to only work on those things exclusively. A good exercise to determine where you are with the CAGED system is to pick a 5 fret range, like the 4th fret to the 8th fret, and then play EVERY major and minor scale without leaving that position. Just run through the circle of 5ths, which is actually lesson 1 of the intermediate course, and play the keys in that order. Once you can do that, move to a different position and do the same. THAT is a really solid understanding of the scales and at that point, you are definitely ready to move on.