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Now I am really glad I stayed home to practice

Dylan Burley

Free Bird Player
Nov 11, 2019
Ok so this is not really guitar or music related but yeah. So I just found out that someone had put poison in the drinks at my schools homecoming dance tonight. I am kinda glad that I didn’t go to homecoming. I had no reason to. But this person I hope to god the they go to prison for this but they hurt my family because my brother went and his girlfriend went. Now they both had to go to the hospital. Apparently the water and punch was laced with vodka and marijuana oils. If someone knows how to deal with this please help. I have a feeling that it was someone on the football team because they lost the game. But yeah. So I am freaking out rn and about to go find who that persons is and smash one of my guitars over their head. So can someone please help me. Emotionally


Sold-out Crowd Surfer
Nov 11, 2019
I’m really confused why anybody would do that. But don’t do violent stuff to anyone because that’s only really gonna get you in big trouble. If there’s policy involved it can come on your record and you don’t really want that to happen.
Synner Endless Summer Collection