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Planning practice

Dave Ward

Free Bird Player
Nov 11, 2019
to get scale patterns and new licks under my fingers I will run up and down them watching TV. Allows me to learn some patterns with time that is otherwise useless. I find the best thing is set aside a set time each day and try to block that out for focused practice. That and find musician friends who can play music and socialize at the same time.


Sold-out Crowd Surfer
Nov 11, 2019
Personally I did set aside some time to practice today and for pretty much every day this week(about 2 hours practice and 2 hours of fun time). I meant it more that for example I go to uni and i Hangout with some friends there and if they ask whether I want to do something I have problem with saying no because I need to play guitar even though I feel like I should practice. How do you deal with that?

Tobi Schnau

New Student
Nov 11, 2019
Make sure your practice is as efficient as possible. Don’t waste time on playing things fast and sloppy.really focus on what you want to practice. So you’ll get the most out of your time. But take your time to hang out with your friends. Doing other things will keep you motivated to play.