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Question for you guys


Sold-out Crowd Surfer
Nov 11, 2019
So I’ve been thinking, I want to record some backingtracks to go along with lessons I want to make, at the moment I only really have some gypsy jazz techniques and a picking lesson I want to do but since the all the different ways of picking are explained really well in the lessons that cover them so I was thinking about writing some etudes that combine different ways to pick(alternate, economy, sweeping, legato, hybrid, tapping, finger), I won’t put all of them in one etude but just multiple of them as practice material if you want to learn how to combine them. I will put them into SoundCloud with tabs and a backingtrack. Since I’m pretty busy until the Christmas holiday I would be doing it then(I want to do the gypsy jazz lessons later). Now the question is, would you guys like this?