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Recording yourself playing.

Brandon Jones

Free Bird Player
Nov 11, 2019
Does anyone else get nervous before they record themselves playing a riff or solo and can’t nail it at all. But as soon as you don’t record you can play it smoothly? I’m having this problem and is the reason I’ve yet to upload a riff on here. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to overcome the nervousness?

TheMighty Jambi

Campfire Attention Holder
Nov 11, 2019
Just keep it fun is the best advice I can give and don’t worry what people think. Enjoy playing. That’s the most important thing. There will always be someone better at guitar and at the same time someone not as good. Play the piece you are recording over and over till its just muscle memory and you are not thinking of what you’re even doing.
Most importantly keep it fun and don’t stress it.

Billie M

New Student
Nov 11, 2019
All the fricking time!
I use GarageBand to record so what helps a little for me is to hide the GarageBand window with the lyrics of the song from another window. You could do the same with tabs.
But if I’m just messing around, like I’m not playing an actual song then I do this with a random google page and like Julian, I look at my guitar or a random point in space in front of me.
Synner Endless Summer Collection

Dave Ward

Free Bird Player
Nov 11, 2019
I find just recording a lot helps. I still get tense if I think about it but the more you do it the easier it gets. I usually end up doing @ few takes and posting the best one. I don’t care too much if it’s perfect but I like music to have a good vibe or energy so I try for that.

Brandon Jones

Free Bird Player
Nov 11, 2019
Joe, I’m the same way. It can be very very frustrating lol. Especially when you know you can hit something but can’t. Dave, that’s what I currently do now. Hopefully all of us can overcome our problems with all these suggestions. Thanks everyone for your tips!

Syn Gates

Staff member
Sep 18, 2019
Huntington Beach
I have this problem as well. To be honest it can be seriously frustrating at times. To this day, this hasn’t changed and it can be a bummer when I watch fuck ups of myself playing live on YouTube or Social Media. The only thing that you can tell yourself is that nobody’s perfect and to not be afraid to go out and try. Honestly that’s why this community has a no tolerance policy for negative comments. I need that as much for myself as I want it for you! So don’t be shy, the best thing about fucking up here is that no one will be unkind and there’s way more to learn from your failures than there is your successes. Have fun!
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Synner Endless Summer Collection

Zachary Yates

New Student
Nov 11, 2019
Take the pressure off yourself, intend on nailing it but don’t stop just because you slip a few times, just smile and embrace that sometimes imperfections make the coolest sounds, generally I just focus on making it sound as badass as possible instead of “perfect
Embracing that we will always make slight variations not necessarily mistakes and going in with a lighthearted FUN and positive attitude is what’s made me come so far and I’ve only been playing a year. Whenever I try to not mess up or do it perfectly instead of just have fun with it I make more mistakes than ever. Remember that you will always notice your mistakes much more than other people will. Be forgiving to yourself too!


Sold-out Crowd Surfer
Nov 11, 2019
Its definetely a struggle for me too. But I try to Just keep playinog even though I Fucked up. I can personally be pis sedert off at myself for a week when I mess up curtain things during live shows or rehearsel. Besides That faillure is the best Teacher so messing up and showing it here is fine

Paul Streeter

Free Bird Player
Nov 11, 2019
Hey Brandon, I just record off an iPhone so no effects to hide any errors! Just have fun and warm up a little first. TBH I prob record the same thing easily 20 times, then go through a process of not watching, just listening back to them and discarding one by one till I’m down to my favourite! It can be laborious but as Syn said – No one’s perfect, and I’m already impressed with the positivity of this community. Just pick your fave and upload it. Then hopefully you can do again in a month or so when you’ve hopefully learnt some new tips! I’ve had clips on you tube for a year with no comments, and already had 2 positive encouraging messages here since I joined yesterday! Have fun bro!
Synner Endless Summer Collection

Richard O'connor

Free Bird Player
Nov 11, 2019
Birmingham, England.
I think the best way, which helped me because I still suck when recording now is to just do it. For me it’s the fear of looking and sounding a total douche on camera or recording. Sometimes it’s best to just think fuck it and just do it, and the more you do it the more you will get used to it and be comfortable with it.
People shouldn’t be afraid to post videos on here though, that’s what this place is for, no judgement around here. =)

Julian Barton

Free Bird Player
Nov 11, 2019
Always make sure to have fun though. You will make mistakes and have laughable moments like Syn said (he has fallen off an amp or the stage or something) but either way learn from your mistakes focus in on playing the song if you want perfection and above all just don’t get frustrated because you will play worse. I am talking from experience on that one. But as well other people will be better and I agree with that statement and if you are insecure like me I challenge you to post and try and overcome that.