Jak Angelescu
Hello there students! I'm just doing a little bit of a check up on something. As I go through the media categories, AKA the riff page, I will see somebody will have posted in a specific category. And luckily it does pop up in the main riff page like what we worked on. However, it makes it difficult to just click to the next video as what happens, is that it just takes you to the next video in that category but not the next video on the main riff page. Then you have to go back and it takes you all the way up to the top again. I am finding myself having to go all over the categories to make sure I don't leave anything behind. So my question for you guys is, do you think the riff categories are necessary? We all initially liked them but I'm finding some categories are not getting the attention like the other ones are. I was thinking about removing all the categories and classifying it simply as tutorials, all riffs, and lesson practices.