Learning 1 scale at a time worked best for me, and like someone already mentioned use a metronome. For me focus and verbal affirmation of the note I hit worked best, say the notes out as I run through them. I only know a hand full of scales that I’m comfortable with but I know every notes location on the fret board and I don’t learn a scale just so I know it, I learn how to apply it to my every day enjoyment. The most important part is to learn the intervals and key signature of a scale, learning a pattern was a trap for me that was like a wall. For example F major and d minor share a signature where b is diminished but the intervals are different between the notes because of the whole major and minor thing, I don’t remember where the first position pattern is for either but I know NOT to use b natural and minor has a major 3rd d-e followed by a minor 3rd e-f, major scale is major 3rd f-g and major 3rd g-a sorry blah blah blah syn and Papa gates can teach you that stuff better but for me it is way more important than a pattern that starts at the first fret on the sixth string or fifth fret fifth string kind of stuff. Hope this helps in even a little way, I was hesitant to say anything cause I had a guy run my name through the mud over an argument he wanted to have while I thought I was helping, I called it a tremolo bar but he swore that’s not what it’s called… whammy!