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Site back up!

Brian Haner Sr.

Staff member
Fucking Legend
Nov 11, 2019
I am not one to exaggerate. If anything, I try and understate things whenever possible. Trust me when I say this hack was a cluster-fuck of enormous proportions. I can’t begin to tell you how badly the site was messed up. Our team worked round the clock for weeks reading code LINE BY LINE to find bugs and viruses – and there were plenty. Thanks to Patrick & Joe (and all the others) who worked tirelessly on this. We all owe you a debt of gratitude.
Until we launched this site – I had no idea all that goes into making an interactive website work. And that’s the key. It’s interactive. We can talk to you and you can talk to each other. That seems like a small thing into today’s world – but it’s not. It takes a lot of dedicated people to make it all work. And we have the best.
Thank you, Guys! I’m a fan!!!

Jak Angelescu

Wow… I can’t even begin to believe the damage done. All I know is this only gives us a reason to love you guys more. With all your busy schedules, you take so much time and effort into this just for us.
I only wish we could thank you all more!!!