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Solo Trouble


Campfire Attention Holder
  • Nov 11, 2019
    Warrenton, NC
    Honestly, I really feel like Jak nailed some really good ones. Obviously, I’m no professional, but just learning from all of you and also coming up with some ways that personally help me. I always try to slow it down as slow as I can take it and gradually try to work my way up as I get comfortable with each speed. This is what I’m trying to do with learning Buried Alive currently. As Jak also said, I feel like learning rhythm first really helps. Just with techniques and also building confidence in yourself. I also feel like it might help if you work on one hand at a time. For example, with your neck hand try to practice just pressing your fingers on the string when they should be played. Then focus on the strum hand and the strumming pattern. I feel like once you get confident in both, you can put them together and then just be flying like Syn does. 😀


    Sold-out Crowd Surfer
    Nov 11, 2019
    So I just got back from bowling and I was thinking about what I want to cover in my lessons. I figured I want to make multiple on the following topics in order.
    -inflections(rakes specifically)
    -application of some theory stuff/techniques(this will probably be multiple videos)
    -solo structure
    -how I write a solo
    I just want to make sure I’m not stepping on anyone’s toes or copying someone else’s ideas(or see whether anyone else is planning to make lessons on these subjects). I would include creating a Melody too but I’ve seen some other great lessons from you guys on that already😅
    If you have any suggestions/comments on the order that’s also really appreciated!
    Ekrem- you completely rocked that!
    Synner Endless Summer Collection

    Jak Angelescu

    I was going to cover a section of “learning different styles to promote creative solos” but then the guitar genius Sir Ben Isaac Newton did it, and I’m glad he did! He did a far better job at demonstrating and explaining it than I could have!
    So I’m going to go to Syn’s original post (using what scales over which chords, minor and major, etc) and combine what Papa Gates teaches in a lesson on here (six magical notes for soloing) and combine the two together. I finally got the concept and applied it yesterday and it helped a lot!


    I did a second video regarding D minor pents over D minor 7 chord. I look to explore viewing different shapes over the same chord to get different flavours. Anybody doing this or something similar? So next I would play lots of F major arpeggios over a D minor chord to explore the 7th degree (C). I could then go onto Bb maj over F major and so on. Is this leaning into your grounds Jak?

    Jak Angelescu

    Kind of, but you’re a lot more proficient with this ground and your application would probably be favorable to more advanced players. Mine would be probably geared towards beginners so go ahead and do it! 🤗
    Synner Endless Summer Collection

    Nicole Lopez

    New Student
    Nov 11, 2019
    i havent played guitar seriously in over 7 years. i feel like im relearning everything because ive forgotten everything and its nothing short of frustrating. I’m trying my best to memorize scales, ive found what when I;m comfortable around a part of the fret board, playing is easier. But 7 years of idleness has taken its toll…my hand is cramping LOL


    I’ll let you have it Jak, I will think of something else! 🙂 You’re so fluent in front of the camera. I’m watching my second hashtag video and I’ve missed key points completely. I’d rather not fluff up a really interesting and important topic in improvisation and creating solos! Go for it! I have another topic on my mind!


    If only you guys could see my bloopers, and how many there are! I was going to post an improv video last night for the first time in months, I was very happy with it. But my dog gets all vocal when she hears high notes, and sings with the guitar. Ruined my flow haha
    Synner Endless Summer Collection

    Ed Seith

    Supreme Galactic Overlord
    Staff member
  • Nov 11, 2019
    Marana, AZ USA
    @Nicole, well, welcome back then. I had a long break from about 2003 to roughly 2009, so I understand. The most important thing you can do is to commit to getting in at least some play time/practice time EVERY SINGLE DAY. 30 minutes every day will do a LOT more for you than one 3.5 hour session on Saturday and no other play during the week, even though the amount of time commitment is the same. Enjoy the re-commitment!