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Somebody please help me…


Sold-out Crowd Surfer
Nov 11, 2019
Im not necesarily a theory wizard but ill gladly help you😅
Basically a tritone is an interval composer of three adjacent whole tones(from F to B above it for example). The tritone is also seen as an interval spanning 6 semitones. In the C major scale this tritone is F-B above the F an B-F above the B. Hope this helps (I did Google this btw, when you study you learn that Google is your best friend)

Ana Psuturi

New Student
Nov 11, 2019
I always look at tritone as a tone 6 semitones or 3 tones up from the root note. For example if I’m playing E power chord from 7th fret tritone will be A# on the 8th fret 4th string. Same interval shape goes from all the notes, exception is second string. To build a tritone from G string let’s say A note ( G string second fret)tritone will be D# on B string 5th fret. hope this makes sense for you.
Synner Endless Summer Collection

Brian Haner Sr.

Staff member
Fucking Legend
Nov 11, 2019
A tri-tone, obviously by it’s name is “three tones”. So 3 full steps up OR DOWN. It’s symmetrical. In terms of music theory, most people relate it to a scale. So it’s a b5 (or #4). If we take a C major scale: C D E F G A B – Our 5th note is G and we flat it. So Gb is the tritone of C.
An easy way to see it on the guitar is to play a power chord. Let’s say A. So you are playing an A on the 5th fret – 6th string, and an E on the 7th fret – 5th string. Drop your E a half step to Eb, (6th fret-5th string). A-Eb There’s your tri-tone.