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🚨 Synners on display contest announcement!!! 🚨

Rad Synner

Sold-out Crowd Surfer
Staff member
  • Nov 11, 2019
    Good day everyone!

    I come to you with a little special announcement... in order to start this year on a good note and to celebrate the new merch drop, we thought it would be fun to do a little contest for y'all! And so I introduce to you the Synners on display contest!!!

    Okay so what is it about? Well it's very simple, all you gotta do is take a picture of you with Synner merch BUT you gotta make it as original,funny,creative,etc... as possible. Goal is to really make it as accessible to everyone as possible! And so, we decided to add a little twist: we will allow ''DIY'' merch! So what the hell is DIY merch? Well, if you want to be creative, all you gotta do is take a piece of clothing OR an object really (who remember the Synner mug and bed sheets?) and just gotta add either the logo or Synner on it! Again, be creative!!! Don't half ass it!

    How to participate:
    - Take a photo of you with Synner merch (either bought or DIY)
    - Submit it to this thread: https://synner.com/threads/synner-on-display-submissions.5968/
    - ???
    - You already won because Synners are winners
    - 1 person will be selected to win

    - One entry per person. However, if you wish to change your entry, you are allowed to do so as long as it’s done before the deadline!
    - Synner merch must appear on the photo and if you want to ‘’create’’ the merch, you have to make it clear that it’s Synner related with either the logo or the name. Object and clothing accepted
    - No photoshop or heavy editing accepted. We will allow filters but for the moment, we want to challenge you to keep it ''raw''.
    - One entry per person. Since there can only be on individual winner, we advise against team up entries.
    - No offensive content. Let's remain respectful.
    - No plagiarism. If anyone has any suspicions that someone else copied their photos, we invite them to DM any of the mods and we will investigate the claim.

    Contest duration: The contest will start RIGHT NOW and will end on January 16th at midnight PST.

    How will we choose the winner?
    Ah this is the fun question but unfortunately, I only have a vague answer to give: we will know who the winner is once we see it! We gave you some rules but other than that, we give you complete freedom to be as wild and creative as possible! And so, when the contest ends, us moderators will take a look at the submission and select a winner!

    And now...

    The prize: Again, have you seen the new killer merch??? Well you should go check it out because if you win, you could chose 1 piece from the new OF YOUR CHOICE* / 3 months of legend+ upgrade as well as a contest winner banner on your profile. I think that this is a pretty rad prize if I may say so...

    *as long as the size/item you want is available since they are limited in supply

    And so may the new contest BEGIN!

    - Rad Synner
    Last edited:
    Synner Endless Summer Collection


    New Student
    Dec 16, 2021
    Good day everyone!

    I come to you with a little special announcement... in order to start this year on a good note and to celebrate the new merch drop, we thought it would be fun to do a little contest for y'all! And so I introduce to you the Synners on display contest!!!

    Okay so what is it about? Well it's very simple, all you gotta do is take a picture of you with Synner merch BUT you gotta make it as original,funny,creative,etc... as possible. Goal is to really make it as accessible to everyone as possible! And so, we decided to add a little twist: we will allow ''DIY'' merch! So what the hell is DIY merch? Well, if you want to be creative, all you gotta do is take a piece of clothing OR an object really (who remember the Synner mug and bed sheets?) and just gotta add either the logo or Synner on it! Again, be creative!!! Don't half ass it!

    How to participate:
    - Take a photo of you with Synner merch (either bought or DIY)
    - Submit it to this thread: https://synner.com/threads/synner-on-display-submissions.5968/
    - ???
    - You already won because Synners are winners
    - 1 person will be selected to win

    - One entry per person. However, if you wish to change your entry, you are allowed to do so as long as it’s done before the deadline!
    - Synner merch must appear on the photo and if you want to ‘’create’’ the merch, you have to make it clear that it’s Synner related with either the logo or the name. Object and clothing accepted
    - No photoshop or heavy editing accepted. We will allow filters but for the moment, we want to challenge you to keep it ''raw''.
    - One entry per person. Since there can only be on individual winner, we advise against team up entries.
    - No offensive content. Let's remain respectful.
    - No plagiarism. If anyone has any suspicions that someone else copied their photos, we invite them to DM any of the mods and we will investigate the claim.

    Contest duration: The contest will start RIGHT NOW and will end on January 16th at midnight PST.

    How will we choose the winner?
    Ah this is the fun question but unfortunately, I only have a vague answer to give: we will know who the winner is once we see it! We gave you some rules but other than that, we give you complete freedom to be as wild and creative as possible! And so, when the contest ends, us moderators will take a look at the submission and select a winner!

    And now...

    The prize: Again, have you seen the new killer merch??? Well you should go check it out because if you win, you could chose 1 piece from the new OF YOUR CHOICE* / 3 months of legend+ upgrade as well as a contest winner banner on your profile. I think that this is a pretty rad prize if I may say so...

    *as long as the size/item you want is available since they are limited in supply

    And so may the new contest BEGIN!

    - Rad Synner
    I have a question : when you talk about DIY, it could be clothes, key ring, drawing (okay I don't know if drawing can count XD)
    Synner Endless Summer Collection
    Synner Endless Summer Collection