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Thank you everybody

Kai C

Stairway to Heaven Tab Studier
Nov 11, 2019
Naha Okinawa
So the new school is out and the holiday season is about to come so I thought I'd say some thanks to all of you lovely people here. It's been pretty quiet here on the forums lately and I think the nicest thing I saw recently was Jak asking how everybody is doing. I see the usual people posting so it seems to be like an actual family. This is also kind of a love letter to all of you.

The TLDR up front is that this school has helped me start playing, given me some sort of direction, as well as been an inspiration. So thank you everybody. This is going to be a long one but if you read through I really appreciate it.

I don't have much of a story to tell. I've been in the military 5 years now and developed a lot of depression issues. My stress relievers such as drawing/ painting, video games, and TV stopped working and I needed something new. I always put off guitar thinking that I'm not musical and I could never do it. But anytime I drink and listen to rock or metal I'd air guitar the shit out everything. So one day while driving (not drinking at the same time) I said fuck it. I made a detour and got my first electric and amp from a music store.

I soon discovered this school and have been following along the lessons at my own pace whenever I need some direction. (Side note- I think those early lessons on strumming, Barre chords, and the CAGED shapes were absolutely perfect for a beginner to start and and so well explained). I started off using my pen name @cynicalstix but this place really feels more personal than that so I changed it to my real name.

Hears what stood out to me, I had a question about finger picking. And I thought this was going to be dumb as fuck and was super nervous to post it. But so many people came through with not only exercises for finger picking, but recommendations and videos for different picks and how to hold them. Even Papa Gates gave a response. I took a screenshot and showed it to a bunch of my friends. Holy shit that made my day. It's places like these that inspire people and get you going. PG I'm sorry to say I put the finger picking on hold (for now), I ended up trying a lot more picks and ways of holding them and I found the right one and hold for me. A lot of people recommended the Jazz 3 but I found Gator Grips 2 mm to fit so comfortable and attack in the way I like.

It's been 5 months now. I'm up to 2 cheap electrics for traveling, a Fender accoustic, a dirty nasty bass for when I'm drinking and need to make noise. But my pride and joy is I got the gold and black model Synyster Custom. I was going to wait till I got better to get my dream guitar... but I got one of the autographed ones and was so glad I did. Some days I don't play much or at all if I'm traveling or have work, but it's become a thing where I take any excuse to put my fingers down and run some scales, practice Barre chords or progressions, or play one of the 3 or 4 songs I've learned (and a handful of openings). Honestly I haven't gotten far and everything sounds clunky but it's so relaxing to feel my guitars and hear the sounds I can make. I'd apologize to my neighbors in the barracks, but I haven't had any noise complaints yet so it must not be that bad.

If you read this far thank you. I know I just vommitted words onto a screen... But I really want everyone to know that it means something to me. It's become a hobby where I can really let loose and to have an environment developed by my heroes and cultivated by the regulars like Jak, Ed, Ids and more. I'm sure many of us like myself don't have much if anything at all to post but we're watching and learning. Thank you Syn, thank you PG, thank you my Synner family.

I have moving orders and next month I'll be leaving for Japan. If anybody ever winds up in Okinawa hit me up and we can get some drinks. Hopefully Avenged goes on an international tour in the next 3-4 years so I can see them in Tokyo or somewhere close ;)

Love, Kai

Ed Seith

Supreme Galactic Overlord
Staff member
  • Nov 11, 2019
    Marana, AZ USA
    Great story, Kai, and like so many others here, as I'm sure you've found. Thanks for your service, future veteran! My son is in the Corps and my daughter's eventual husband is a Navy man (learning nuke shit right now to keep the subs and floating cities running). I have a brother in law who's also Navy and in Japan right now, loving it, but probably won't be there much longer. Not sure exactly where he's stationed, but he's a dentist for the Navy, so he may polish your choppers for you.

    Keep playing and keep posting, brother! love to hear it!

    Syn Gates

    Staff member
    Sep 18, 2019
    Huntington Beach
    Yo Kai, so stoked that you’ve found a home here with all of us! I second Ed “The Truth”s sentiment of appreciation for your service. It means more to your fellow countrymen than you’ll ever know. I feel a great sense of peace raising two kids in the best country in the world because of men and women like you and The Truth’s son. Vomit and urinate all over the forums my friend, that’s what they’re here for. Much love my brother!

    Samson Shaji

    New Student
    Nov 11, 2019
    Yo Kai, so stoked that you’ve found a home here with all of us! I second Ed “The Truth”s sentiment of appreciation for your service. It means more to your fellow countrymen than you’ll ever know. I feel a great sense of peace raising two kids in the best country in the world because of men and women like you and The Truth’s son. Vomit and urinate all over the forums my friend, that’s what they’re here for. Much love my brother!
    Hi Syn, I'm a big fan of ur music. Hope you add some jazz stuff to website as I have seen ur jazz playing videos. You rock dude.
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    Synner Endless Summer Collection

    Edward John

    New Student
    Nov 11, 2019
    So the new school is out and the holiday season is about to come so I thought I'd say some thanks to all of you lovely people here. It's been pretty quiet here on the forums lately and I think the nicest thing I saw recently was Jak asking how everybody is doing. I see the usual people posting so it seems to be like an actual family. This is also kind of a love letter to all of you.

    The TLDR up front is that this school has helped me start playing, given me some sort of direction, as well as been an inspiration. So thank you everybody. This is going to be a long one but if you read through I really appreciate it.

    I don't have much of a story to tell. I've been in the military 5 years now and developed a lot of depression issues. My stress relievers such as drawing/ painting, video games, and TV stopped working and I needed something new. I always put off guitar thinking that I'm not musical and I could never do it. But anytime I drink and listen to rock or metal I'd air guitar the shit out everything. So one day while driving (not drinking at the same time) I said fuck it. I made a detour and got my first electric and amp from a music store.

    I soon discovered this school and have been following along the lessons at my own pace whenever I need some direction. (Side note- I think those early lessons on strumming, Barre chords, and the CAGED shapes were absolutely perfect for a beginner to start and and so well explained). I started off using my pen name @cynicalstix but this place really feels more personal than that so I changed it to my real name.

    Hears what stood out to me, I had a question about finger picking. And I thought this was going to be dumb as fuck and was super nervous to post it. But so many people came through with not only exercises for finger picking, but recommendations and videos for different picks and how to hold them. Even Papa Gates gave a response. I took a screenshot and showed it to a bunch of my friends. Holy shit that made my day. It's places like these that inspire people and get you going. PG I'm sorry to say I put the finger picking on hold (for now), I ended up trying a lot more picks and ways of holding them and I found the right one and hold for me. A lot of people recommended the Jazz 3 but I found Gator Grips 2 mm to fit so comfortable and attack in the way I like.

    It's been 5 months now. I'm up to 2 cheap electrics for traveling, a Fender accoustic, a dirty nasty bass for when I'm drinking and need to make noise. But my pride and joy is I got the gold and black model Synyster Custom. I was going to wait till I got better to get my dream guitar... but I got one of the autographed ones and was so glad I did. Some days I don't play much or at all if I'm traveling or have work, but it's become a thing where I take any excuse to put my fingers down and run some scales, practice Barre chords or progressions, or play one of the 3 or 4 songs I've learned (and a handful of openings). Honestly I haven't gotten far and everything sounds clunky but it's so relaxing to feel my guitars and hear the sounds I can make. I'd apologize to my neighbors in the barracks, but I haven't had any noise complaints yet so it must not be that bad.

    If you read this far thank you. I know I just vommitted words onto a screen... But I really want everyone to know that it means something to me. It's become a hobby where I can really let loose and to have an environment developed by my heroes and cultivated by the regulars like Jak, Ed, Ids and more. I'm sure many of us like myself don't have much if anything at all to post but we're watching and learning. Thank you Syn, thank you PG, thank you my Synner family.

    I have moving orders and next month I'll be leaving for Japan. If anybody ever winds up in Okinawa hit me up and we can get some drinks. Hopefully Avenged goes on an international tour in the next 3-4 years so I can see them in Tokyo or somewhere close ;)

    Love, Kai
    Enjoy your trip. Have a good one.
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    Reactions: Kai C

    Kai C

    Stairway to Heaven Tab Studier
    Nov 11, 2019
    Naha Okinawa
    Great story, Kai, and like so many others here, as I'm sure you've found. Thanks for your service, future veteran! My son is in the Corps and my daughter's eventual husband is a Navy man (learning nuke shit right now to keep the subs and floating cities running). I have a brother in law who's also Navy and in Japan right now, loving it, but probably won't be there much longer. Not sure exactly where he's stationed, but he's a dentist for the Navy, so he may polish your choppers for you.

    Keep playing and keep posting, brother! love to hear it!

    Ed it is a small world and I would definitely laugh if I found out he was working on my teeth. I've had people from high school, that I had never spoken to at all in school, end up in the same job as me. I've had people who saw my last name and ask if I'm related to someone... And it's like yeah that's my dad or my uncle. I love it when everyone gets brought together like that.
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    Calvin Phillips

    Music Theory Bragger
    Nov 11, 2019
    Lots of words there. I'd love to see your progress dude.

    I agree. The way the lessons were planned out before was great. Go in order and it all literally makes sense. Everything leads into the next thing. The chords. Then the caged system using those same chords.. etc. Now its grouped even better. By sections. Perfect for beginners. Or people like me that avoided theory for some dumb reason lol.

    Now everything makes sense. It comes together so much faster. Well worth the effort.
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    Kai C

    Stairway to Heaven Tab Studier
    Nov 11, 2019
    Naha Okinawa
    @Calvin Phillips Just giving you an update my dude, I took a lesson with a local guy who's toured for most of his life in a blues band. I was super nervous and flubbed more times than I got anything right but I have follow up lessons and he's got me working on timing and using a metronome. It was fucking incredibly rewarding. I'm working on putting together a progress video but I've never made edited / assembled a video so it's gonna take a moment. No promises that it'll be any good 😂
    Synner Endless Summer Collection

    Ezequiel Romanko

    Garage band Groupie
    Nov 11, 2019
    Kai i just find this post right now, but dude i read every single word and i feel super happy that you found your passion and the site :) , this community is one of the best that i have seen in my entire life on internet its like we know each other well and im glad that you form part of it :) i really apreciate your service (tho im not from US, but you're doing something really hard for most of the people so i hope it all goes perfect for you my brother), feel free to post whatever you're feeling on the forums and whatever questions you have, you may think it's non-sense or something like it, but for all its really cheering and helpful that every body contributes to this humble family, and if we can help in any possible way it would be an honor and a pleasure :) keep playin' and rockin' dude :) much love! take care :)
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    Reactions: Kai C