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What lessons would you like to see added?


Sold-out Crowd Surfer
Nov 11, 2019
Gypsy Jazz would be nice! Also 8 finger tapping because That really blows my mind. Some songwriting tips like the structure of a song and stuff and how to build a guitar solo is also stuff That im not really good/experienced with.

Donnie Keeney

Free Bird Player
Nov 11, 2019
I would love some ear training exercises. Break it down on identifying intervals then chords, progressions, etc. That is an invaluable skill. A lesson on reading lead sheets and learning jazz standards would be invaluable and is something often overlooked by rock guitarists but will make them a much better musician.

Donnie Keeney

Free Bird Player
Nov 11, 2019
Something I think the community would value too would be lessons breaking down songs, riffs and solos. Maybe some background into the writing process of that particular section. Syn tends to make some very interesting and intriguing note choices and a breakdown of specific licks and the rationale behind the note choices would be fascinating to me.

Ed Seith

Supreme Galactic Overlord
Staff member
  • Nov 11, 2019
    Marana, AZ USA
    Honestly there’s so much content here already that it would take a long time to figure out what’s missing, though I’m sure you’ll get some feedback from some folks on EXACTLY what they’ve been working on and were crushed when it wasn’t covered here.
    Personally, I’m gonna get started diving into CAGED and seeing what it can do for my creativity. I expect that I’ve naturally assimilated the bulk of it over the years, but being able to tie it all together might be a nice “bow” on the gift.
    Seriously can’t thank “the Brians” enough for doing this, and making it free. The amount of work and thought and cost that went into this is massive. That it’s entirely free for anyone and everyone is a game changer.


    New Student
    Nov 11, 2019
    Writing music and applying all the knowledge would be really useful. Also maybe some setup stuff. Also breaking down songs: chord progressions, scales, and how to play it in general would be cool. You could also just list songs that go with certain lessons, e.g. Highway To Hell goes really well with the video about the G D and A chords since the intro uses only those. There’s probably a ton of A7X stuff that goes well with scales and such but I can’t think of any right now, but Syn would probably know.
    Also not really a lesson but I still feel like an introduction at the very beginning is kinda missing. Something like hey welcome this is what we’re gonna cover and you can expect to do this and that at the end of this course.