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What lessons would you like to see added?

Calvin Phillips

Music Theory Bragger
Nov 11, 2019
Man that’s such a tough question to answer cause theres so much we havent seen yet that we dont even know about. I still have a lot of material myself to go through so I cant really comment. That’s what is amazing about this place is if you ever wanna change up the theory you wanna learn you can. Sweeps.. alternate picking.. strumming.. muting.. tapping.. etc. Its Impossible to get it all in.
Doesn’t matter to me what you play as long as you keep jamming in the videos. The melodies get stuck in my head all day lol

Calvin Phillips

Music Theory Bragger
Nov 11, 2019
Some of my favs I read
How to properly use protools.. please.. I was mad confused myself lol.
The tone lessons is good.. a lot of that is the pedals you own tho.
How to write a song.
Id rather him not do his own solo lessons.. and rather challenge you to find it out for yourselves. Other then lessons.. let’s start quizzing each other with possible rewards? If you figure out the scale and technique used you usually start connecting the dots. Just need to dive more into the theory. If he supplies the lessons in the techniques he used in the solo I bet everyone figures it out pretty easily.
I also feel syn and pg both encourage us to answer these through each other too. The whammy bar is pretty simple theory wise but depending on the type you have you get different results. Theres a good divebomv video Zynga did on YouTube. He uses his thumb I believe.. I use my index finger. I basically tap the string while he really never moves his thumb lol