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What lessons would you like to see added?

Robert Freeborn

Free Bird Player
Nov 11, 2019
One thing I would like, just for convenience, is some new “Syn’s Etudes” in drop-D tuning.
It would also be cool to have some more rhythm lessons, such as playing funky stuff (like Syn at the end of “Blinded in Chains”), walking bass blues (jazz blues), and other things like that.
Synner Endless Summer Collection

Luke G

Free Bird Player
Nov 11, 2019
New Jersey
I’m a self taught guitarist, so really any lesson involving theory or ear training would be the best for me. I really want to be able to write music and solos, but I don’t learn anything in my class at school. This guitar school already helped me significantly in just a few days, and I went from barely be able to play Nothing Else Matters’ solo to The Stage’s solo! I feel the vast majority of technical work is already covered on this school, so you guys should focus on the deeper things for guitarists like myself.

Tyler Koch

Free Bird Player
Nov 11, 2019
This one’s for Syn, I’d like to see how a lot of these techniques are applied to your own playing in Avenged. I’m familiar with a lot of your phrasing and technique but certain thing still aren’t totally clear. For example something like the the “Scream” solo. I’m pretty sure it’s completely picked triplets but it’s something I have a hard time figuring out how to do quickly without tripping over myself. A breakdown of how you go into something like that would be really cool because most if not all of us will already be familiar with the song.
Also (for both of you) are there going to be any gear related videos? For instance the way each of you prefer to use pedals and set amps. A cool segment as well would be “How to get the tone on…(insert Avenged Sevenfold song)” and go over how you maybe set your chorus for clean parts, or how you use compression on solos, and so on. Really enjoying the content you guys have put out already though!
Synner Endless Summer Collection

Kaden Birch

Free Bird Player
Nov 11, 2019
I personally want to see more things added to the “syn’s etudes” section. I wanna see some stuff that get you guys excited and just some stuff that you guys enjoy playing.
Maybe in the future you could add a sort of “papa gates etudes” section too. I would love to see how your two styles differ and the things that he really enjoys playing.

Richard O'connor

Free Bird Player
Nov 11, 2019
Birmingham, England.
This isn’t a lesson but i think that an instant messenger would be cool so we could have conversations or ask questions to one another. Would also be good as people could get to know each other a little better and maybe strike up some friendships. I notice in the forum that a lot of people are struggling to find people to play with. If people find someone thats in there local area then this maybe something that can help build relationships…..if that makes sense.

Sophie Stoyan

New Student
Nov 11, 2019
How to develop your own voice and style as a guitarist. Syn has a very distinctive sound and playing style. I would love to hear about how he developed his sound over time and any advice to help really hone in on your own voice. Lots of people have great technique and chops but true artists have innovation, vision and their own personality shining through their music.
Synner Endless Summer Collection