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What lessons would you like to see added?

Julian Penz

New Student
Nov 11, 2019
I would like see some Videos about the Theory all around the guitar. A year ago I was playing in a Band, where started with a soundcheck and I didn’t know what an simple A was. Also I would like know, how to use my whammy bar correctly and letting my guitar scream with Dive Bombs and all this stuff.

Josh Lachapelle

Free Bird Player
Nov 11, 2019
Honestly, you guys both having so much studio experience, I’d love to see lessons on maybe how to track your own guitar recordings with Pro Tools. I don’t know if that’s deviating too much from the core of the lessons, which is to learn how to PLAY guitar better and better. But if it’s in the realm of possibilities, seeing stuff like that could be cool!
Obviously guitar tone is something each person has to find for themselves, cause everyone has an ear for something different. BUT, maybe a lesson on tips and pointers on how to find a tone? Like explaining that you should always have enough Mids to cut through the mix and not scoop them hard like so many of us do as beginners haha! Just some thoughts!

John Setzler

New Student
Nov 11, 2019
Also, granted I’m only on lesson 21 so some may be explained later but, a hell of a lot more on theory, like how all of the chords are connected and constructed, why and how this and that, etc. Before I dropped “playing” (fiddling around on it), I wasn’t aware of theory. Now, while it is still confusing, I’m wanting to learn more about it so I can progress exponentially.

Jak Angelescu

Someone mentioned Whammy bar techniques. This is a definite YES from me. I am so terrible with whammy it’s ridiculous. Also I think a lesson on “guitar care and maintenance” would be great. I have no idea how to change the strings on my locking system guitars. I barely know how to set my own intonation. But you both are so great that I could watch you both give lessons on how to blow your nose properly for crying out loud. I’m sure I would have the most epic snot projections of all my friends in no time.