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What’s your BIGGEST dream with music?


Campfire Attention Holder
  • Sep 19, 2020
    Dreaming big is the best what you can do for yourself! Dont worry, you will find some band very easily with your skills! :) But it is quite complicated (judgeing according to my own experience) to find the right people, to manage all appropriate conditions etc. + you of course need some money. The very beginning of the band is very hard and a lot of bands just give up during the first months, but if you find the same dreaming people willing to give their best to reach the beautiful dream of releasing first song and playing the first shows, you will win! :)) Just carry on what you do and it will come! ;) My dream is quite similar ;)
    awww thank you Kate! I know how hard it is, and I have to admit i’m really worried and anxious about this, i’m afraid I won’t make it, and literally this is one of the only things who keep me alive. that’s pretty hard but you know, there’s a quote that says «if you can dream it, you can do it», hope it’s true even in my case 🙄🙄🙄 anyways, hoping the best for ya!✨

    Gabby Heafy

    Local Dive Bar Favorite
  • Apr 5, 2020
    Yo #Family! how are you? I was thinking about what I really want to do with music, how I’d like to take advantage of this passion for the future, and things like that...
    I was wondering if I will ever be able to make my dream come true with music, which basically is to have a band, to make our own music, to play in front of those who appreciate it and these things ✨ woah, maybe i dream too big, but damn i want it so much;
    what's your biggest dream/ aspiration instead? 🤟🤟
    I think if you believe in your dreams and fight for them, you're sure to fulfill them! Believe in yourself and dream big always! :) love u!! 🤘♥️

    John Robinson

    Music Theory Bragger
    Nov 11, 2019
    Nashville tn.
    Yo #Family! how are you? I was thinking about what I really want to do with music, how I’d like to take advantage of this passion for the future, and things like that...
    I was wondering if I will ever be able to make my dream come true with music, which basically is to have a band, to make our own music, to play in front of those who appreciate it and these things ✨ woah, maybe i dream too big, but damn i want it so much;
    what's your biggest dream/ aspiration instead? 🤟🤟
    Its ok to dream big...if you aim at nothing you will hit it every time

    Kate Swan

    Music Theory Bragger
    Nov 16, 2019
    Prague, Czech Republic
    awww thank you Kate! I know how hard it is, and I have to admit i’m really worried and anxious about this, i’m afraid I won’t make it, and literally this is one of the only things who keep me alive. that’s pretty hard but you know, there’s a quote that says «if you can dream it, you can do it», hope it’s true even in my case 🙄🙄🙄 anyways, hoping the best for ya!✨
    You can do it! ;) I would rearrange the quote: "If you can dream it, you can do it AND NEVER GIVE UP" :))
    Synner Endless Summer Collection

    Muz Malek

    Sold-out Crowd Surfer
    Nov 11, 2019
    I initially started out wanting to be like Syn - have a band, write music, tour, albums, etc.

    After about 6 years into playing, while I had a fair share of band experiences & performing, I delved into virtuoso playing and it landed me more gigs than having a band. I was at the peak of my guitar career then.

    While on that route, I went into teaching & mentoring my juniors in school and then I developed the interest to want to end up teaching guitar/music if my dream of being a rockstar doesn't ever come.

    And now I'm also servicing & repairing guitars, which I taught myself too. It all blends well together for as long as I get to learn more about guitars & meet like-minded, passionate people.

    While I've been doing all of the above, I couldn't give time to myself to develop my skills and all, but at least I know I'm contributing back to the music community.

    And now, I'm starting to go back into trying to teach, taking a proper lesson with a teacher(while also catching up in SGS), still servicing & repairing guitars as my side job, and also at the same time develop my skills while I teach (learning together with students).

    All-in-all, it circled around one intention which I had at the very beginning - which was to spread the love & passion for music & guitars, all thanks to Jimmy & A7X.
    Last edited:

    Jesse Salmons

    Stairway to Heaven Tab Studier
    Nov 11, 2019
    Honestly i just want to perform, and be able to perform well. Im not a good writer, i can write melodies and riffs no problem but the poetry side eludes me. I truly want to be a James Hetfield/Ronnie Van Zant esque front man, deliver the raw powerful vocals live accompanied with killer guitar. I used to want to be a shredder like Syn, RR, the boys in Iron Maiden, but my strengths have always been in riffing and blues rock style soloing which is fine with me.

    Whether this happens or not with the current state of the world remains to be seen. But that is my current dream, might happen, might not, either way i can dream🤣


    Campfire Attention Holder
    Sep 28, 2020
    Not 100% sure what my dream with music is because it always feels like its changing. Right now I would love to get good enough to be a part of a band. Nothing big but being able to play in front of a crowd with my friends is a far away dream I have. I'm still in the process of being consistent and good enough at guitar to accomplish this though. As of right now I've been working on my soloing skills (both technical and creative sides). I also want to get better at songwriting and theory so that maybe eventually I can have my own album. I've written a few songs but nothing that I'm super proud of. I want to get to the point where I can finish a song and really be proud of if. Something I can show off and be like hell yeah I did this! But god only knows where I'll be in a few years...

    Gemma G.S.

    Once upon a time, I wanted the same as you, @beatrix ! And I thought that dream was dead, until I came here and got inspired all over again by all of you. 🥰 So, maybe one day I could still get into a band. Even if it's just casual, I'd love to be able to jam live and have people enjoy it! Live music has always been one of my favorite things in the world, so I'd love to give other people the same types of experiences I've had at shows. ❤ Maybe, maybe!! Dream big, always!!
    Synner Endless Summer Collection


    Campfire Attention Holder
  • Sep 19, 2020
    Once upon a time, I wanted the same as you, @beatrix ! And I thought that dream was dead, until I came here and got inspired all over again by all of you. 🥰 So, maybe one day I could still get into a band. Even if it's just casual, I'd love to be able to jam live and have people enjoy it! Live music has always been one of my favorite things in the world, so I'd love to give other people the same types of experiences I've had at shows. ❤ Maybe, maybe!! Dream big, always!!
    sometimes I believe in it, sometimes I'm afraid of failing...it’s something I’ve always dreamed of and although I live with anxiety about my musical future, I prefer to believe in it and being optimist, because it’s something that motivates me to move on.. so, never stop dreaming, and as @Kate Thaleia said, if you can dream it, you can do it, so...let’s remain hopeful 🤞


    Campfire Attention Holder
  • Sep 19, 2020
    Not 100% sure what my dream with music is because it always feels like its changing. Right now I would love to get good enough to be a part of a band. Nothing big but being able to play in front of a crowd with my friends is a far away dream I have. I'm still in the process of being consistent and good enough at guitar to accomplish this though. As of right now I've been working on my soloing skills (both technical and creative sides). I also want to get better at songwriting and theory so that maybe eventually I can have my own album. I've written a few songs but nothing that I'm super proud of. I want to get to the point where I can finish a song and really be proud of if. Something I can show off and be like hell yeah I did this! But god only knows where I'll be in a few years...
    Honestly i just want to perform, and be able to perform well. Im not a good writer, i can write melodies and riffs no problem but the poetry side eludes me. I truly want to be a James Hetfield/Ronnie Van Zant esque front man, deliver the raw powerful vocals live accompanied with killer guitar. I used to want to be a shredder like Syn, RR, the boys in Iron Maiden, but my strengths have always been in riffing and blues rock style soloing which is fine with me.

    Whether this happens or not with the current state of the world remains to be seen. But that is my current dream, might happen, might not, either way i can dream🤣
    👏🏼👏🏼🤘🤘 yes!!


    Campfire Attention Holder
  • Sep 19, 2020
    I initially started out wanting to be like Syn - have a band, write music, tour, albums, etc.

    After about 6 years into playing, while I had a fair share of band experiences & performing, I delved into virtuoso playing and it landed me more gigs than having a band. I was at the peak of my guitar career then.

    While on that route, I went into teaching & mentoring my juniors in school and then I developed the interest to want to end up teaching guitar/music if my dream of being a rockstar doesn't ever come.

    And now I'm also servicing & repairing guitars, which I taught myself too. It all blends well together for as long as I get to learn more about guitars & meet like-minded, passionate people.

    While I've been doing all of the above, I couldn't give time to myself to develop my skills and all, but at least I know I'm contributing back to the music community.

    And now, I'm starting to go back into trying to teach, taking a proper lesson with a teacher(while also catching up in SGS), still servicing & repairing guitars as my side job, and also at the same time develop my skills while I teach (learning together with students).

    All-in-all, it circled around one intention which I had at the very beginning - which was to spread the love & passion for music & guitars, all thanks to Jimmy & A7X.

    William B.

    Hot Topic Tourer
  • Nov 11, 2019
    I share many same Dreams, one already kind of came true and it was to learn guitar from :syn::papa:. It's awesome, he taught me stuff, but he didn't. Thanks to this amazing music collective/community, I'm able to get further than I thought possible before. I try to keep it real and not dream too far ahead. I try to seize the day for what it is, sometimes it's not spectacular, but there's always something nice, even a shower. Overall I'm really happy with the changes in my life through music, at times it was really hard, but I'm here now at the SGS.
    my favorite sites are in order: YT, SGS , UG
    YT only beats out SGS because there's more music and stuff
    Good Morning! :explode-skull:


    Hot Topic Tourer
    Apr 18, 2020
    Cologne, Germany
    Step 1: Have at least people to jam with. Thats already accomplished, I have a buddy who also started learning around the same time and we jam together.

    Step 2: Get in a band, write my own music, perform on stage. That one is realistically gonna take a couple of years, but it motivates me a ton to practice while the pandemic is still going on. :D

    Step 3: Earn my money with something guitar or music related, maybe even with the band and the music? Now thats a tough one, and I don't take it for granted at all (at least the part where the band is the main job... BUT it is still a dream :D). But, when the pandemic is over and the music/culture/event scene is hopefully recovering at some point, I will consider options how to find a job in there somewhere.


    Music Theory Bragger
    Apr 13, 2020
    Yo #Family! how are you? I was thinking about what I really want to do with music, how I’d like to take advantage of this passion for the future, and things like that...
    I was wondering if I will ever be able to make my dream come true with music, which basically is to have a band, to make our own music, to play in front of those who appreciate it and these things ✨ woah, maybe i dream too big, but damn i want it so much;
    what's your biggest dream/ aspiration instead? 🤟🤟
    I really want to be able to play all my favorite songs.. especially A7x stuff
    Synner Endless Summer Collection


    Music Theory Bragger
    Nov 24, 2020
    Austin TX
    I try not to indulge in my dreams too much. I think that fixating on your aspirations isn't what gets you there, for instance, being in a successful band. What makes a band successful is totally out of my control. With that in mind, I'll focus on what is in my control which is making my own music, bettering my musical ability, and just being open to whatever opportunities come my way. If I wound up in a successful band, I wouldn't turn it down though.


    Music Theory Bragger
  • Jan 11, 2021
    Okay, so my BIGGEST (really really big 😹) dream of all is to get up on stage with my band (which includes my twin sister playing drums and doing backing vocals for me), as a respectable frontwoman, playing guitar (my own signature model! lol) and singing to thousands of fans. I want to write true masterpieces in therms of melodies and lyrics, so my music can be my legacy. It would be a dream to open concerts or even tour with some of my idols, earn millions while doing what I love and use this money to build our own charity for stray cats 🖤

    I know it's too much, so keeping my feet on the ground now lol I would feel very accomplished if I could just sing or play guitar in a professional way. Have a regular job by the day, and earn some extra cash playing live on local clubs by the night or at weekends. Or even use my free time to make a channel of covers with my sister and earn something from YouTube.
    I won't rennounce having my own charity for stray cats though 🤔

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