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Where do you practice?



Everyone who I know who plays guitar has that one special location they practice. Somewhere safe with good acoustics to help them play and sound their best. For me, it’s this corner in my room but I was curious. Where do you all practice?

Sayonil Mitra

Free Bird Player
Nov 11, 2019
oh wow….yours one looks 1000x times better than mine. mine is just a messy bedroom. Frogs are really really common in my place. so i can remember….even 2-3 months back….i had 3 little frogs crawl out of wall cracks to be my audience every time i played powerchords on my guitar.
Synner Endless Summer Collection

Gabriel Corso

Free Bird Player
Nov 11, 2019
@Sayonil hahaha frogs ?!!
That must be a surprise!
I do have my own kind of studio, where I study, practice and record some songs.
I am going to take some pictures as soon as I go home.
@jared that is an amazing studio/room. Looks very comfortable to play

Ed Seith

Supreme Galactic Overlord
Staff member
  • Nov 11, 2019
    Marana, AZ USA
    Since I work from home (telecommute) full time, it is absolutely mandatory that I have a room in the house that is only mine, 24 hours a day (I used to manage a Production Server Support team, which really was 24/7 on-call. Things are quieter now, but still…).
    So that room has my work computer, and my personal computer, which is used for everything else – gaming, bills, internet, recording studio; everything. The guitars are all hung on the walls (no room left, but it’s not a huge room), and the rack and speaker for my AxeFX are here, on the floor, connected to the computer at all times.
    In all of my current videos (not the one from the 90s, I mean), the guitar is recorded direct from the Axe into the video through the computer. Most of the time, I don’t even have the speaker hooked up – I just use headphones so the family is not inconvenienced.
    Synner Endless Summer Collection