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Solos For Beginners


Jak Angelescu

Hello everyone! I am submitting this little quick video because I got inspired with the songs I am working on for the jam sessions I do now. I have had to write some solos for the songs we do and I wanted to showcase to beginners that you don't need to shred if the song doesn't call for it. There are many levels of beginner style solos that you can play with ease within a few months of practicing the guitar regularly. Don't be ashamed and don't think that you have to shred in order to fill that spot. Also you don't need a 2 minute long epic solo incorporating 10 different techniques. Even if it's just 9 seconds long. These are the solos I wrote for the songs I'm doing! Hope you guys enjoy!


Dominik Gräber

Hot Topic Tourer
Contest Winner!
  • Nov 11, 2019
    Great choices and awesome you point that out! It's a thing that's hard to learn for most beginners because they are inspired by all those shred gods. But really any solo is beautiful when you found joy in playing guitar.
    Two other solos I regard fairly easy are
    Metallica - Nothing else matters
    and The Last Fight - Bullet for my Valentine. This one is especially good if you want to slowly get into sweep picking I think :)

    Ezequiel Romanko

    Garage band Groupie
    Nov 11, 2019
    Totally true Jak, the coolest thing about keeping the solos simple is that you can think more of the melody and the phrashing and creating feelings, cuz you don't have to waste time thinking im doing this right? or it's shreddy enough? haha. beatiful stuff for beginners and for everybody, cuz we tend a lot to make our solos stand out for it's technical difficulty rather than for its melody or feeling towards the song.
    Synner Endless Summer Collection

    Firsty Lasty

    New Student
    Nov 11, 2019
    I've got a quick suggestion for those wanting ez guitar solos. The most popular guitar solo among non-guitarists when I was younger was the one in "when I come around", by Green Day. As guitarists we listen to that and think "lol so weak" but normal people hear that and think "omg so amazing".
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    Synner Endless Summer Collection