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Golden Goddess Guitar Leaderboard

Em and G Chord Practice

Practicing the Em and G chords...first time playing along with PG successfully-ish. Realize now I've got the fingering wrong for the Em, but am still going to put this out there. I am always open to CC and hope I'm getting some good tone. All advice welcome as I embark on playing chords =)!
YEAAAH GET IT! I have no CC, just came to gas you up because you're killin' it! :love:
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YEAAAH GET IT! I have no CC, just came to gas you up because you're killin' it! :love:
Thank you!!

My cat was glad when I stopped, lol, because I went back over the lesson for like an hour! I have to remember the correct fingerings before I move on =). Thanks for the love!! :D
Thank you

My only advice would he to use your Middle and Ring fingers to play the Emin chord. That way you Index finger is free and you'll be able to use it to make an E Major chord for instance.

Keep at it 😁!
Thank you!!

I will definitely work on changing how I play the chord...I was wondering if there would come a time I'd have to change that, haha! I'm bad about that sort of thing on the piano, too (self-taught for the most part), so don't want to develop those same bad habits on the guitar. I will practice that next time!! :D
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Thank you

Thank you!!

I will definitely work on changing how I play the chord...I was wondering if there would come a time I'd have to change that, haha! I'm bad about that sort of thing on the piano, too (self-taught for the most part), so don't want to develop those same bad habits on the guitar. I will practice that next time!! :D
Hell yeah. That's awesome. Being self taught myself on guitar for the most part I got my fair share of bad habbits which I have been tweeking out over the last year.
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