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Hey guys, Im working on another original solo. This is video I recorded some weeks ago. I aded more things already and I cant wait to share it with you all!! Im practising tornado of souls too.
Throwback to that time the SGS and @[5:@Jak Angelescu] helped me learning the Solo to HTTK. Jak posted a thread about setting a goal and working on it every day for a month. This was the result.
Thought I reupload it as it was one of the videos that disappeared as bug on the old school website.
Something interesting about these leads is that they were originally written by our violinist/bass player and transposed onto the guitar. They are most interesting about halfway through the clip.
Gunslinger Solo i filmed a while back! almost perfect :) Still can be improved, constructive criticism always appreciated! Also showing a little love to Zacky!
The basic idea is to play leads on clean tones once you've got a hang of them to see if there are any parts where you sound a bit sluggish or there's buzzing sound somewhere; as that's hard to notice with distortion.
Doing so makes your playing more defined when you switch back to Overdrive.