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Golden Goddess Guitar Leaderboard


song is by imperial circus dead decandence
i really like this song here by bfmv
i play this a bit differently since the original song is played in e standard and i choose to play this song in drop c which works very well
greatest song but no solo yet
i play the full song except the guitar solo
Some of my favorite solos
I totally skipped a whole bunch of lessons, they just weren't grabbing my attention at the moment. I know, shame on me. But what I've really been feeling is fingerpicking. And by no means am I advanced, lol! >.> So this is where I'm at.
John mayer - gravity guitar cover
Here is a new Tapping/Shredding riff I made.
tried to match the original...
A live performance I made of the song
Lately I've been experimenting with using my fingers instead of a pick but I'm noticing that I barely use my pinky. Feedback is appreciated en encouraged!
I captured my journey with the intro of buried alive on video. This is the result after three years and with the help of this community.
I really like this song haha
A cover rendition including what Syn plays live and the original solo from the record! Hope you like it!

Jak Angelescu's riff from November 5, 2018 at 6:02 pm

  • Jak Angelescu
  • Nov 5, 2018
I know this gets a little muddled, it's a really challenging song to play but it's gotten easier now that I've incorporated economy picking into it a little bit! The exercises here have helped a TON!!! I can only play this song twice through before my fretting thumb is killing me from the barre chor
I'm not sure whether this is still a thing but I'm doing one anyway. This one is basically me teaching a John Mayer lick. It's a great example of ending on the major 3th and a major 7th that works like a treat!
Thank you so much for this solo Syn <3