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My Chemical Romance: Teenagers - Guitar Cover
( im the guy all the way to the left with the a7x hoodie) I choked the easiest fucking solo....... i composed this in one day and we had one day to practice so we did pretty good for the time we had. My next medley will be an Avenged Sevenfold Medley, im starting to work on it now, BE READY WORLD!
Here's mine. I use this type of licks as often as I can. Forgive the bad audio.
Busking is really really common in Brighton
It's kind of dirty in some parts, but I think it's good and I trying to improve to reach the level of Syn...
I think you can tell that I improvised the guitar solos on the spot :/ anyway this song is almost as old as Apocalyptic Adventure and has also undergone some changes musically. My mom actually gave me the idea for the lyrics- I showed her the music and asked what she thought it sounded like it was a
카지노디비#【탤래그렢@dbdbdb8989】#우리카지노디비 트럼프카지노디비 월드카지노디비 카지노db♬카지노디비#【탤래그렢@dbdbdb8989】#우리카지노디비 트럼프카지노디비 월드카지노디비 카지노db♬카지노디비#【탤래그렢@dbdbdb8989】#우리카지노디비 트럼프카지노디비 월드카지노디비 카지노db♬
So you know I'm not totally full of shit lol
Riffs from the song Welcome to the Family by A7x. Recorded on first take 🙂
Hi friends, this is my new cover from Avenged Sevenfold - Beast and the Harlot.... by the way this solo is realy hard to cover coz of the speed of the melodies... so i learn it about two days and then i record it... well that's it about my cover, hope you like it and please give me suggestion about
购买UCLA毕业证-微/Margon1688-加州大学洛杉矶分校成绩单/UCLA degree一手留信网认证USA Fake Diploma
购买UC Berkeley毕业证-微/Margon1688-加州大学伯克利分校成绩单/UCB degree一手留信网认证USA Fake Diploma
购买Emory毕业证-微/Margon1688-埃默里大学成绩单/Emory University degree一手留信网认证USA Fake Diploma
购买乔治敦大学毕业证-微/Margon1688-乔治城大学成绩单/Georgetown University degree一手留信网认证USA Fake Diploma
购买Brown毕业证-微/Margon1688-布朗大学成绩单/Brown University degree一手留信网认证USA Fake Diploma
Ok hi guys this is my first riff. I know it could use alot of improvement. I am currently takking lessens from another user on this fourm known as brandon jarcewski. he is really helpful plus he likes my name alot!!!! i have a one friend name vekky plus he is awesome. so let me know how i do in this
First time picking up the guitar in a long time.
카지노디비#【탤래그렢@dbdbdb8989】#우리카지노디비 트럼프카지노디비 월드카지노디비 카지노db♬카지노디비#【탤래그렢@dbdbdb8989】#우리카지노디비 트럼프카지노디비 월드카지노디비 카지노db♬카지노디비#【탤래그렢@dbdbdb8989】#우리카지노디비 트럼프카지노디비 월드카지노디비 카지노db♬
This is my first orchestral song, recording, mixing, editing and mastering were done by me!
Just a vid of me covering Reflections Through Fire. Rhythm only.
this is my improvisation!
In this song, i'm inspired from my guitar hero, like, Slash, Petrucci, Marco Sfogli, Synyster Gates etc!
This is my cover of Prey by Parkway Drive. Enjoy, everyone!