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Hey guys, so i started a band recently and we got in a little recording today, not much, only up to before the bridge but I'd love to hear feedback on how we can improve. Thanks!
Live-looped tapping riff I wrote made into a backing track for some improv. Tried to go a little outside the box.
My cover of Synyster Gate's Beast and the Harlot Solo. I hope you guys dig it m/
My acoustic cover of Hail to the King. This is one of the most fun songs to play that I know. I don't know the guitar solo, so I made one up, it was rather half-assed but I had to do something, right? But I I believe I captured everything else pretty well. I hope you enjoy and are able to learn some
My first try on afterlife. For my first riff I wanted to try something a little fast, study on Syn. Then see where I'm at about a week from now. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=_f2gFLSRIAs
One of my favourite solos by Syn Gates. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ApFV4tGp5Nk
Here is a little quick riff. I hope you like it. Can't wait to get some new guitar tricks and learn new techniques.
my guitar cover of the song " ignore aliens order" by Nick Johnston
Just doin an improvisation over the song, and also i want to share the guitar rig preset i used on the video.
Hi!! That's my first solo djent song, hope you enjoy!! 🙂
We created the Hail to the King cover as a Fanprojekt. Enjoy
A little noodling messing around with some ideas inspired by a riff for a new song from my band Colour Tongues
I've been itching to make an Avenged Sevenfold Riff Medley for a while so I finally got around to do it..but I also added a twist. Enjoy!
i uploaded a video of this a while back. i've been struggling with ideas for this for a while now. this is the chorus going into the verse. was hoping i could get some feedback as to whether it actually works, sounds any good? or total rubbish and scrap it?
Cover of "Life is Beautiful 2017" from my youtube channel. Enjoy!
Another one of my videos from youtube. Enjoy!
This is a video I put up on youtube a few months ago. Enjoy!
Jammin to backing track i found on youtube. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=I0JZoZRYhp0
Wanted to learn fingerstyle, so what better song to learn than this one. Not sure if the way I'm playing it is correct so would love to hear feedback from anybody.
Just some doodling with melodies from Rodrigo y Gabriela

Jak Angelescu's riff from February 26, 2018 at 8:24 pm

  • Jak Angelescu
  • Feb 26, 2018
I couldn't help it. I stumbled on this video by accident and was in tears from start to finish. I guess M Shadows would sound pretty epic as an operatic soprano