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Golden Goddess Guitar Leaderboard


Ive been playing since i was 12 so im 14 now and in this video i played the beginnig of The Stage a bit of really bad shreding and Am I evil?
This was my first actual recorded riff through my interface using guitar rig 5. Let me know what you guys think?!? I played this off the top of my head and then looped the cleans and made a nice melody over it trying to stay in the same key as the cleans.
A riff I wrotte. Any Suggestions to continue it?
Something more current. It builds up. I know I need work but I am very proud of this one. The creativity was just flowing. Wish I recorded what I did prior to this ten minutes before.,
This is my demo recording at the 24 Caprice of Nicolo Paganini! Sorry for the bad video I was very tired. I hope you like it!
Synyster gates live singing!!
Synyster If you read this make sure you have more singing duties in future albums this is proof you are a awesome singer!!!
This is a cover that I made yesterday. Hope you all enjoy it! Thank you so much for watching!
I'm not a jazz guitar player and this song took me quite a while to figure it out. Any feedback is appreciated.
Ok! I feel more comfortable now, so I increased the tempo! I'm at 125%. I will try to pass to the second part! See you soon!
It's my cover of the solo from so far away
This is just a bass cover with added noodling for fun. Don’t judge the tone. This is my cheap bass with halfwound strings. It just happens to be the only bass i have that is tuned to standard! https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=TiJ0bSabglI
Just a little tapping exercise i like to play to warm up https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=1j8DT-hRq1w
A little bass solo song i put together that i play on stage with my band sinful ways. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=p-ReYpgnf_s
Here's another video (sorry i'm not showing face) but this was something I tried and wanted to see, this was awhile ago, give me some tips and trick and please message me on here, or email me at [email protected]
This was a couple years back when I first started with wanting to get a youtube channel going, I would love if you all can give me certain tips and tricks to help me improve i've gotten a whole lot better at playing lately and would like to have some people message me and start maybe helping me more
Just black magic woman guitar cover.
Hey guys, here is a cover that i made some years ago, sorry for the video quality it was recorded with my mobile phone hahaha
Here's the solo from Planets, I was unable to find a full backing track so I apologize for it being short
So this is a idea that came to me when I started jamming to this backing track. I recorded this idea using guitar rig 5 and cubase. I was an alternate picking player but the last months I am practicing economy picking, so in this recording I use the second etude in economy picking.
I think the rhythm chords are lacking I needed to do better power chords. What do you guys think?
Posting this just for fun! I know this is a guitar school, but I love piano too! I wonder if Papa Gates plays piano too. I think Syn Gates played piano in the Waking The Fallen album too
Was kinda nervous, and messed here and there, but oh well 🙂 syngates.com has got my back now to get better 😀 😀