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Golden Goddess Guitar Leaderboard


Is there anyone else who loves the Alter Bridge? This is for you both solo of Blackbird!
I just love this emotional solo. This solo makes me cry. Here for you guys! Have a nice day all <3
Had to show Papa Gates some love. I thought this was so cool when I figured it out.
A beautifully written solo! https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=vtJHnMti57k
It was for the school ending of the year show
video i did for a solo contest
Beast and the Harlot solo from City of Evil
this is my first song demo type thing with my audio interface I got for xmas so, I'm sorry if the video isn't completely aligned with the sound.
My summer video and Hail to the king solo cover 😀
Trashed and Scattered in my opinion has one of the best chorus leads and it makes me wonder how someone starts to compose it lol
My computer's mic is screwed up, which is evident, I'm gunna use my phone from now on, like I did with the acoustic version. Papa Gates reccomended I hold my pick differently (Refer to Lesson 4), so I tried that, and, though weird, I am starting to like that.
This is just a progress video. I need a lot more practice to be able to play this at full speed, but I will get there eventually.
I decided to learn this and play it.
this riff I've been playing around with. it's exhausting to repeat but let me know what you think. m/
Practicing every day! See you guys at the Videotron centre in Quebec city in two weeks!!
One of my favorite solos. I've done some mistakes but I'm learning and improving
Just jamming on Comfortably Numb! Hope you'll like it!
Quick riff on guitar, please feel free to use or improve. Just let me know what you do with it. Be interested to see. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=kOx0U0UxcB8
After watching synyster 3 string Sweep, sort of inspired this riff. Nothing original but sounds kinda cool. Again please feel free to use or improve on! https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=x9LRvbMDAmU
Another follow on/inspiration from synyster gates online school. Pretty simple finger tapping but I think it has a cool sound to it. Like a weird mix of the stage intro and exist vibe (fully aware I would need a million and 1 more notes to compete with the stage intro). https://m.youtube.com/watch?v
This is my cover of an awesome track from The Stage. I love the harmonies in this song. It's not a great cover but I'm really proud of some parts. (I apologize for how awful the clean parts in the bridge sound. That bit is just a mess.) Thank you all so much for watching! m/
my band played this live, a bit sloppy but thats why im on this site.