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Golden Goddess Guitar Leaderboard

SGS collab audition Blues

This is my audition over the blues part of the backingtrack. I had it down pretty fast but took a while to get some tiny mistakes I didn't like out and syncing up audio with video is hard.
What may help syncing.. is using the audio from the video to match up the audio from the audio recording. Rather then use the video try to use both audios. Then remove the audio you arent using after.
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Reactions: Dominik Gräber
What may help syncing.. is using the audio from the video to match up the audio from the audio recording. Rather then use the video try to use both audios. Then remove the audio you arent using after.
I tried that, did help somewhat but there was like this very small delay between movie and sound I couldn't get right. For the fact this is my first time so think I did pretty ok with it, it just took me forever to get it remotely close.

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