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Golden Goddess Guitar Leaderboard

Media added by a_Human

Imposter Syndrome 3/4/22

Imposter Syndrome 3/4/22

I know I haven't been active on the sight for a while, but I've never stopped practicing and writing music. Here's one of my demos. The guitar sound is different from my others which I recorded with my actual amp rather than going direct into my interface. Drums are all done on FL Studio mobile on my phone until I get a real drummer. I would greatly appreciate any feedback, and I'll share more of my demos if anyone is interested.

Lydian Shred Lick

It's all in the title, would love feedback if you have it!
I've known how to play this solo for a while, I've just only now decided to make a video of it with a couple changes. It's one of my favorites right now, it has some really great licks. I've also been dipping my toes into recording lately and it's a totally different skill from just playing. Either way I'm happy to have a legitimate backing track for this video even if the drums are fake. As always, criticism is welcome. that's how we grow.
I know it's far from perfect, but I'm really proud to have had this idea and made it come to fruition all today, it was a pain to just do this with my guitars, amp, and iphone, but here it is. As always, constructive criticism is welcome and appreciated.
Had a band practice today and was able to play this briefly. It was a lot of fun
I found this pretty simple pattern a little while ago. It's really fun to play, and easy to manipulate to get lots of different colors out of it. I've been working on my picking technique a lot, and it feels so much easier to control and to maintain. I'm open to any criticisms regardless of how far I feel like I've come.
I've been having fun learning this song lately. I'll probably do a full cover soon.
Trying to use diminished sounding things more, I think I'm finally coming around to the sound of them and how they can be used to build tension in a cool and unique way.
This is a simple, but fun solo to play. The ease of it helped me to really focus on the rhythm and get it right.

Plug in Baby Riff by Muse

Trying to get my alternate picking in shape by practicing one of my favorite riffs to play.
This is a lick that I came up with today. As always, just trying to get better.

Spoonman Guitar Solo Cover

I really like this song. I learned this solo a while ago, and now I'm posting it to keep the ball rolling. I would gladly accept criticism.

Hail To The King Solo

I started learning this a few days ago. It could be better of course, but at this point I just want to post something. I know getting my foot out of the door will prompt me to post better things going forwards.