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  1. C

    Drop D tuning

    It always gonna be a bit out of tune, even if you have that low E set up to where you can drop the pitch at much as possible. There is less tension on the low E string for all the other strings will go slightly sharp. You may be able to find a close middle ground where the A and low D make a...
  2. C

    Shepherd of Fire Solo question

    You can probably dig in more with your pick and get more dynamic. Also different picks can change the sound a bit. If you recorded and posted some of what you’re talking about, we could give more accurate answers.
  3. C

    Seize the day solo questions

    It’s definitely played at the 10th fret of the G string, and the whole solo is played on the neck pickup, although the harmonic could have been overdubbed. As for finding pinch harmonics, try moving the position of your picking hand around and try picking on different parts of the string. A lot...
  4. C

    Shepherd of Fire Solo question

    I don’t think he used the sustainiac on that solo, pretty sure it was all the bridge invader into his hellwin head. Possibly an overdrive in front of the head, but I don’t think so considering the pick attack. Overdrive smooth things out and it doesnt sound quite like that sound. Not that its...
  5. C

    Drop D tuning

    But just imagine the tone! Twice as dense, Ed!!! They have those titanium trems for like $900. As guitarist, many of us will spend any amount of money in the pursuit of tone and enhanced guitar performance. If you’re willing to buy an top notch gear like an axe fx III or red bear picks, why not...
  6. C

    Drop D tuning

    Floyd rose makes a tungsten block that is allegedly twice as dense as brass and I’ve been wanting to grab one of those. Any experience with those Ed?
  7. C

    Drop D tuning

    The secret to tuning a Floyd rose bridge- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TYcGmMJnX0M You totally don’t have to buy his wooden block either, although I’m sure its very handy. You can just tape or glue a stack of picks together until it is JUST thick enough to make your Floyd Rose level with the...
  8. C

    The one thing I don't understand about music theory

    The best way to really understand the modes is to play them all in the same key center, so we’ll say C major, the you can compare the differences in sound with the other modes. The formulas for the modes are Ionian(Major)- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Dorian- 1 2 b3 4 5 6 b7 Phrygian- 1 b2 b3 4 5 b6 b7 Lydian-...
  9. C

    Cab Packs

    Yeah, he mentioned of his Instagram that he was releasing his axe fx III live presets that he created with fractal
  10. C

    "Shredding isn't good music/it takes no talent/it has no feel" thoughts

    The whole thing about shredding is that it should be done in moderation. Music is supposed to have peaks and valleys, tension and release. When you’re just blazing up and down scales, it gets boring because you’re staying at 10 the whole time. Theres no variation, no build in emotion or tension...
  11. C

    CAB PACKS Tab added to the Store!

    You can still use cab IRs right?
  12. C

    Need Help With Ghost Notes!!

    If you’re trying to play ghost notes, just release the pressure of your fingers so it isnt touching the feet, but keep your finger on the string so it mutes it a bit. It doesnt work as well over the natural harmonics, which usually sit almost perfectly over several different frets, the easiest...
  13. C

    HELP! What do I do? My hand shits on me when I do economy picking

    If is a muscle or issue, like your hands wont physically do what it’s supposed to, start with a full upper body stretch. Definitely focus more on hand and forearm stretches, but also do back, shoulders, lats, etc. Stretch everything, this always gives me more control of my playing and all my...
  14. Christopher Lonski's riff from October 1, 2018 at 11:36 am

    Christopher Lonski's riff from October 1, 2018 at 11:36 am

    Polyphia- Aviator Excerpt
  15. Christopher Lonski's riff from October 1, 2018 at 11:31 am

    Christopher Lonski's riff from October 1, 2018 at 11:31 am

    Country Road - Guthrie Govan solo
  16. C

    7 String Guitars and Theory

    That’s how it SHOULD be used! A lot of times we, as musicians, put ourselves in boxes and limit our creativity. We hear 7 strings used commonly on djent stuff, so we just assume that that is what you’re supposed to use them for. People dont realize this, but 7 strings were originally used for...
  17. C

    Favourite syn solo?

    Right now I’m revisiting MIA and Higher and working on getting them perfect. There is a C7 lick in the MIA solo that I stumble on a little bit and I’m working on getting it perfect every time. Also that last section of Higher with the string skipping pentatonic scales is a bitch, so I’m working...
  18. C

    3/4 to 4/4 smoothly

    It’s why we’re all here! We should be spreading ALL the knowledge and lift each other up any way we can!
  19. C

    3/4 to 4/4 smoothly

    3/4 and 4/4 actually feel the exact same, 3/4 just has one less beat. 6/8 is counted in triplets. To work on the feel, set a regular at a comfortable tempo with no accent on the down beat of the 1. Then just count just emphasize the 1 in each measure. So ONE 234, ONE 23, ONE 234, ONE 23...
  20. C

    Create Scales whenever you want

    Another guy I HIGHLY recommend checking out that was actually one of my teachers is Carl Verheyen. He really stresses using the intervals and avoiding just playing scales up and down. He even has a really awesome instructional video where he shows a bunch of his licks and whatnot here- I...