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  1. TheTroller

    CoE, White Album, and Nightmare have no filler. Prove me wrong.

    I get what you're saying. As a side note, I think that sometimes the 'fill-in' isn't even necessarily negative and that starting out with a sort of pilot mode approach to songwriting without any pressure can naturally flow into something much bigger and more serious. Or that sort of thing...
  2. TheTroller

    Guitar How do you visualize the fretboard?

    I visualize it in terms of key. No CAGED, I just prefer applying standard piano theory directly to the guitar. It's almost like a game where the options become more limited the more detailed you go. You start from some blank slate base note and the possibilities emerge from there. Do I want a...
  3. TheTroller

    Thank you all so much

    I wouldn't get a Synyster model because it's too much of an investment for something that doesn't really fit my aims. At most I would see it as a decent souvenir that sounds good recording wise. But I wouldn't use it as my primary instrument, as it's too personalized for me.
  4. TheTroller

    CoE, White Album, and Nightmare have no filler. Prove me wrong.

    The only album with fillers post-WTF is HTTK Doing Time sounds like something off of Metallica's Load and Reload era
  5. TheTroller

    how do you start learning songwriting with theory?

    If you want spooky riffs and melodies, this will depend on the chord progressions you use. As for the melodies, make sure to use descending chromatic halfsteps (I'm not sure how much knowledge you have in theory) at the most focal points of the melody to really give off that sound. - Good chord...
  6. TheTroller

    Picking problem

    Makes sense. I've tried to pick with my wrist to the side, but that's too awkward. I could definitely try out some anchoring techniques with the pinkie
  7. TheTroller

    Picking problem

    I prefer to pick near the neck (on top of the neck pickup), but whenever I alternate pick fast, my wrist scratches the three lowest strings, creating a muffled sound, where it sounds like I'm playing a muffled open chord while alternative picking at the same time. It feels more natural picking...
  8. TheTroller

    difficulty changing picking techniques

    Lower your pick. You don't want the sharp end barely touching the string. Speed picking should involve more of a smooth pushing motion (like a lawnmower) than a plucking motion.
  9. TheTroller

    Thoughts on Jason Richardson's preference for sweeping?

    Instead of rolling his finger down consecutive strings, he successively touches each string with the tip of his finger.
  10. TheTroller

    Comment by 'TheTroller' in media 'One month challenge final result (sweet child of mine)'

    It seems that you aren't removing your pinkie finger off of the e string during the intro lick, which is making the last four notes bleed together. That small fix will make the notes in the intro sound more pronounced
  11. TheTroller

    Long story short: a few months ago I rage quit over being told that my notes were uneven...

    Long story short: a few months ago I rage quit over being told that my notes were uneven, leaving with a sarcastic comment. However, I still checked the site and watched the occasional lession. After a few months, I decided to begin practicing on my guitar again and attempting to learn the MIA...
  12. TheTroller

    This dude rules.

    He also has by far, one of the best covers of MIA at 5:05 of this video
  13. TheTroller

    Comment by 'TheTroller' in media 'My economy riff slowed down'

    I'm not a musician, I'm a note player lol. And yes, I am coping.
  14. TheTroller

    Comment by 'TheTroller' in media 'My economy riff slowed down'

    (I'm aware of the poor bend at the end)
  15. My economy riff slowed down

    My economy riff slowed down

  16. TheTroller

    Share your Favorite A7X Lyric(s)!

    I don't really listen for the lyrics, but I definitely prefer the poetic and formal style of their first two albums.
  17. TheTroller

    Fender CEO wants to sign Syn

    Unless they attempt to buy Schecter, as they did with Jackson.
  18. TheTroller

    Comment by 'TheTroller' in media 'Economy Picking – The 3-1-3 Pattern – Lesson 78 inspired lick'

    I'm not sure if I'd mess it up if I slowed it down. I guess it depends on how much I slow it down (A relaxed tremolo pick, for example).
  19. TheTroller

    Comment by 'TheTroller' in media 'Economy Picking – The 3-1-3 Pattern – Lesson 78 inspired lick'

    Well I don't really care for playing at a studio level, as long as it's recognizable with the notes in the tab and doesn't have too much string nose.
  20. TheTroller

    Comment by 'TheTroller' in media 'Economy Picking – The 3-1-3 Pattern – Lesson 78 inspired lick'

    I honestly can't see what you're saying. It's not like studio clean or 600th try of a 17 year veteran with a $5,000 computer simulated amplifier clean, but I wouldn't say that it's detrimentally sloppy either. The lick doesn't really produce a memorable melody when slowed down, as it's meant to...