I had to restrain myself a little, because I got sooooo excited when I saw this rec!

Well, if you don't get how happy I am about it, lemme show you what I have in my room:
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Anyways, without further ado...
Main Titles: it's absolutely impossible listening to this and not wanting to dance. I feel like a happy child. It's bringing back so many good memories.
Travel Music: oh, I can picture Barbara and Adam driving that car and going through that bridge...
The Book!/Obituaries: that first part, with that eerie, dramatic vibe, reminds me of Lacrimosa, by Mozart. And the second part feels like a tango.
Enter... "The Family"/Sand Worm Planet: that piano makes you feel like you're running fast, running away from a threat. I remember the chaotic and breath-taking scene with the sand worm. This song definitely matches the scene perfectly and makes you wanna run away too.
The Fly: another song that gives you that urging feeling to escape.
Lydia Discovers: kinda sounds like a lullaby, which makes sense, if we think about this whole alternative world that Lydia discovered, that looks and feels like a dream... "I, myself, am strange and unusual".
In The Model: the brief appearance of the organ in the song makes me really happy. I can visualize the model town Adam built.
Juno's Theme: very thrilling.
Beetle-Snake: that sound in the very beginning that then appears again at 0:47 and goes through the rest of the song is like the sound of a rattlesnake. A very mischievous-sounding song.
Sold: a little sad ballad.
The Flier/Lydia's Pep Talk: in the background, we can hear this instrument that sounds like footsteps. A very smart thing, sounds haunting.
The Incantation: my favorite thing about this one is the organ, for sure! My gothic self is really happy about it. Hahaha
Lydia Strikes A Bargain: "Sure, I can help. But you gotta help me first." Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice, Beetlej... oops, I almost couldn't resist the urge to say it
Showtime!: I can easily say this one is my favorite, for many reasons. "Well, I'm back. I feel really good about myself, you know?"
Laughs: this one gives me major circus, clown vibes.
The Wedding: you would expect a wedding march to be a very soothing and uplifting thing, but this one gives a desperation vibe, which matches perfectly the terror Lydia was feeling when she was our boy Beetlejuice's bride.
The Aftermatch: I love the happy vibe of this song. After everything Barbara, Adam and Lydia went through, they surely deserved a happy ending.
End Credits: the perfect way to finish the perfect motion picture.
It's very clear the influence this had on Pinkly Smooth!
Man, I feel so nostalgic now. I will definitely watch the movie again. Thank you for bringing back so many childhood memories, Syn. Your recommendations are always a blessing to my ears and my heart. Luv ya so much! ❤
Oh, and I can't leave without saying it: Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice!