Alright, so this is gonna be my final contribution. Still some major fuckups, but it's not gonna get better in two days, and at least I'm pretending to play to a metronome

I first started learning this song way back in May, when I was playing for just 2 months and could barely switch between open chords. I thought, "hey, he is just playing some single notes, that should be easy, right?"... Yeah, right... Back then, it kicked my ass at about 30% of the original bpm. It's 5 months later and the song still kicks my ass at 80% of the original speed, as you can see.
But I learned a lot from the song, about the natural minor scale, its diatonic chords, about arpeggios, alternate picking and string skipping (I think EVH actually uses economy picking for the riff, but I stuck with alternate), hammer-ons and pull-offs and most importantly, his palm muting game is ridiculous.
The solo in this take turned out much less clean as I hoped for, but I'm leaving it in anyway. Still need some work until I can get the fast lick at the end to sound as fluid as the original.
As a little bonus, to give a little feeling for my progress, here is me from 5 months ago, grinding the riff at literally 40 bpm: