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Alicia Willis

  • Nov 11, 2019
    Lexington, South Carolina
    Here's my addition to the tribute. This has been a hell of a learning experience haha. First time recording video of myself playing, first time dedicating this much time and frustrating amounts of effort to learn a riff/intro. First time I've also voluntarily put myself in front of a camera in quite a few years too now that I think about it. Eddie's playstyle is pretty different compared to other guitarists I've been focusing on learning from like Joe Duplantier, Mark Morton, James Hettfield, bits of Dime, and of course Syn. They've got similar traits but Eddie of course stands out in his playstyle. A few notable techniques I really had to work on to get to even this point were my tapping skills and hammer ons/pull offs. The intro is the first piece I've "learned" that uses tapped harmonics which took a while to pick up finally, only to realize that the harmonics I liked and was using for the intro didn't sound at all like the intro actually sounds. I also realized that my hammer on technique was rather sluggish and not very accurate as you can tell haha. I thought I had learned the parts I filmed and was mostly just perfecting it only to realize this morning that it didn't sound right. I was missing a couple of notes that messed up the flow of the song. I already had that area learned with muscle memory which was a pain to relearn. Still haven't quite got it yet. For a first upload it's not great. Bummed notes, some flat bends, a lack of vibrato, really awful attempts at a volume swell and whatever else I messed up. But it's not the end of the world I guess no matter how much it felt like it when recording multiple takes all 8 hours I worked on it initially today. Gotta start somewhere. Gonna take a day long break from guitar to ease up on my finger tips and I think I'm gonna dedicate some time to learn how to properly use a metronome and start using it more often. Goddamn was my timing terrible haha.
    😃 omg I’m so ridiculously proud of you!!!!! But, I think you may be a bit wrong, for a first attempt, and also the first time you’ve recorded yourself in a long time this was awesome ! It makes you ridiculously nervous to hit that record button but you finally did it !!!!!
    Synner Endless Summer Collection


    Campfire Attention Holder
  • Nov 11, 2019
    Warrenton, NC
    Wahhhh, I forgot to add that the beginner chord and strumming lessons really helped with my video. 🤦🏻‍♀️ I know it’s after submission time, but for the knowledge and to help others! For the majority of my video I’m using an E Minor position pretty much for the arpeggios and I used my thumb in the previous practice videos (watching Syn and other artists). And the C Major Scale and lesson with Bill really helped me once I got to picking between different strings and using different fingers for the “du dundunduna nana” part.
    Also! You guys are killing this!!! I’m so happy to look through all your videos like a creeper!!! ❤


    Campfire Attention Holder
  • Jun 20, 2020
    South Africa
    I wish I had a phaser lollll :’)
    I will do a comparison video a couple weeks from now, ... I hope to improve on this song soon. My exams have messed up my practice time and stuff
    Lessons that helped me: 38 & 39 on picking techniques part 1. —This is a really great song and was super fun to learn :)

    Jak Angelescu

    Great job everyone! I'm about ready to announce the winner and post the collaboration video in about 30 minutes once it's Uploaded to YouTube. But this is something I really need every single student to read carefully and take it to heart and understand what I am trying to say…

    I used to issue contests very regularly. However I stopped doing them because they were extremely time consuming and very stressful. The number one reason why it was very stressful and time consuming is I would lay out basic rules and many students would not follow them and it would be massive email exchanges back-and-forth or many other things. You all have gotten much better on it.

    I'm really sorry to anybody who didn't get a chance to be a part of this. I had a few students who submitted too late. You have to be paying attention to the top of the pages on this school to realize the updates and deadlines. I had about 12 students asking me every single day when the deadline was. It's literally up at the top of the page. Syn brought Alex on for many reasons and one of them is to be my right wing woman to help take the stress load off of me and so she put that up there to help me out and it didn't do much of a good. She had it up there for 3 weeks.

    I also had students submitting multiple takes. Please don't do that In the future. It's extremely time consuming and I have to reach out to you to ask you which one you want me to use. Then on top of that many of the students would talk in their videos. Or they would move around a lot. I think it's great that you let us know what you are working on but there was a lot of excess stuff I had to cut out. Please don't post up videos in the future that have 3 minutes of talking in it. It took me almost 3 hours to do this when it really only should have taken about 40 minutes.

    Students, I am saying this as your Momma Queen Cat. Please pay attention to what's going on on the school. Please pay attention to the updates that are at the top of the page. Even during the live stream situation, Alex and I both had so many people writing us asking what to do and they didn't even pay attention to what was at the top. Please pay attention to what's going on.

    In conclusion you all did a very fantastic job! It was very hard to pick a winner. But I know for a fact our angel in shred is very fucking proud of every single one of you. I know I am!

    Rad Synner

    Sold-out Crowd Surfer
    Staff member
  • Nov 11, 2019
    Great job everyone! I'm about ready to announce the winner and post the collaboration video in about 30 minutes once it's Uploaded to YouTube. But this is something I really need every single student to read carefully and take it to heart and understand what I am trying to say…

    I used to issue contests very regularly. However I stopped doing them because they were extremely time consuming and very stressful. The number one reason why it was very stressful and time consuming is I would lay out basic rules and many students would not follow them and it would be massive email exchanges back-and-forth or many other things. You all have gotten much better on it.

    I'm really sorry to anybody who didn't get a chance to be a part of this. I had a few students who submitted too late. You have to be paying attention to the top of the pages on this school to realize the updates and deadlines. I had about 12 students asking me every single day when the deadline was. It's literally up at the top of the page. Syn brought Alex on for many reasons and one of them is to be my right wing woman to help take the stress load off of me and so she put that up there to help me out and it didn't do much of a good. She had it up there for 3 weeks.

    I also had students submitting multiple takes. Please don't do that In the future. It's extremely time consuming and I have to reach out to you to ask you which one you want me to use. Then on top of that many of the students would talk in their videos. Or they would move around a lot. I think it's great that you let us know what you are working on but there was a lot of excess stuff I had to cut out. Please don't post up videos in the future that have 3 minutes of talking in it. It took me almost 3 hours to do this when it really only should have taken about 40 minutes.

    Students, I am saying this as your Momma Queen Cat. Please pay attention to what's going on on the school. Please pay attention to the updates that are at the top of the page. Even during the live stream situation, Alex and I both had so many people writing us asking what to do and they didn't even pay attention to what was at the top. Please pay attention to what's going on.

    In conclusion you all did a very fantastic job! It was very hard to pick a winner. But I know for a fact our angel in shred is very fucking proud of every single one of you. I know I am!
    You, Alex and everyone behind the scene are doing a fantastic Job and the work you put in to make this school much more active is incredible and doesnt go unnoticed. You are very much appreciated and I cant wait to see the video!
    Synner Endless Summer Collection


    Campfire Attention Holder
    Sep 28, 2020
    Oh well... I thought the deadline was midnight tonight, didn't have time to record yesterday :(. Anyways I told my friends I was learning Ain't Talkin Bout Love for a contest on here and they decided to learn it with me. We played it together for the first time today. We also decided it would be fun to put on a show so here's our weird alternate take of Ain't Talkin Bout Love. Hope you guys enjoy!

    PS Ignore my mistakes, I kept messing up the verse. I didn't have time to learn the whole song by this weekend but hopefully we will be able to play the whole thing eventually. I still need to work towards being able to palm mute and play the verse properly. Also learn the 2nd solo.



    Campfire Attention Holder
  • Sep 17, 2020
    Alright, so this is gonna be my final contribution. Still some major fuckups, but it's not gonna get better in two days, and at least I'm pretending to play to a metronome :ROFLMAO: .

    I first started learning this song way back in May, when I was playing for just 2 months and could barely switch between open chords. I thought, "hey, he is just playing some single notes, that should be easy, right?"... Yeah, right... Back then, it kicked my ass at about 30% of the original bpm. It's 5 months later and the song still kicks my ass at 80% of the original speed, as you can see.
    But I learned a lot from the song, about the natural minor scale, its diatonic chords, about arpeggios, alternate picking and string skipping (I think EVH actually uses economy picking for the riff, but I stuck with alternate), hammer-ons and pull-offs and most importantly, his palm muting game is ridiculous.

    The solo in this take turned out much less clean as I hoped for, but I'm leaving it in anyway. Still need some work until I can get the fast lick at the end to sound as fluid as the original. :ROFLMAO:

    As a little bonus, to give a little feeling for my progress, here is me from 5 months ago, grinding the riff at literally 40 bpm:
    Great progress man