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Notification Bell and Someone Posting On My Behalf


Jak Angelescu

Hey Everyone! I wrote Patrick about this but somebody has been posting on the riff page through my account. A video doesn’t show up but it has happened several times. Also the notification Bell is gone. And everytime I try to click on a forum thread I get that error message. I’ve tried using different browsers. I know that the admins are going through some changes at least I’m pretty sure they are. Especially with the spam Invasion as of late. But I’m just wondering if anybody else is having these issues going on?
Synner Endless Summer Collection

Calvin Phillips

Music Theory Bragger
Nov 11, 2019
like I said the other day I’d expect a lot of coding bugs the next few weeks while they help upgrade the protection on the site. With updates come bugs, and then the fixes. Just gonna need some patience getting past the issues the spam has caused. But once its all gone its smooth sailing ahead.

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