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Picking issues

Dan Shipway

Slim Shady
  • Nov 11, 2019
    Hey dudes, ya miss me! It's been a while. Over the course of the past few months I have been practising a lot of technique, my sweeping and legato has become more fluid but one thing that seems to not improve is my alternate and economy picking, the main stumbling block is that everything feels quite clunky, the pick seems to get stuck on the string than moving through it and it's something that I have no clue how to fix. I have tried pick slanting both ways but to no avail.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated!
    Synner Endless Summer Collection

    Lucas Weiman

    Free Bird Player
    Nov 11, 2019
    Along with what the others said on here, something else to take into consideration is what type of pick you are using. Some just don't glide through the strings as well as others and you will definitely have a cap on how fast you can pick certain techniques.

    Jak Angelescu

    Angling the pick upwards or downwards in my teachings and findings truly is essential ONLY for certain types of cross-string speed picking. In a nutshell, if you feel your pick is clunking around, I hate to say this, it's probably your technique or your 'attack'. If the pick is awkward to grip and makes playing uncomfortable because of the grip itself, it's the pick. But many well-adapted guitarists can play with ANY pick in their hand. But they'll still have their preferences. Economy picking is hard, and alternate picking for many people is difficult because you have to actually use more force to get it to come through and it can feel like you're fighting your strings. It's 100% natural. Also, when you get fast enough the motion comes from a different part of your muscles in your hand. If you're speed-picking on strings that are fairly adjacent to each other (eg D and G string) some guitarists will actually kind of anchor their hand down a little and only move their fingers, knuckles and VERY minimally their wrists. However, if it requires massive cross-string work, they get their whole wrist and even sometimes their arm into it. Try getting your attack harder and push through the fight. It may help :) I hope any of this made sense.
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    Dan Shipway

    Slim Shady
  • Nov 11, 2019
    Sorry i haven't responded, i haven't been in a good place mentally for a long time now and its making it hard to come on here and really interact.

    Yeah that makes sense, I think there has been a lot going wrong over the 9 years I've been playing, there have been times it has gotten to the point where guitar playing feels like the most unnatural thing in the world, my main issues i find are that when I pick I cant seem to find a grip that works, it either slips when i play or I hold it so tight that my movements feel really forced.

    The only other issue is my arm position. I tend to anchor my hand on the strings but while playing scales I cant do that. My arm tends to relax when i have my hand anchored on the strings and my arm falls into place on the forearm contour but when i play scales its never touching the guitar which can cause discomfort after a while.
    I think if i were to rectify these it may help with the picking issues but i dont really know how to go about changing these things since i know nothing else.

    Photos to come

    Jak Angelescu

    Sorry i haven't responded, i haven't been in a good place mentally for a long time now and its making it hard to come on here and really interact.

    Yeah that makes sense, I think there has been a lot going wrong over the 9 years I've been playing, there have been times it has gotten to the point where guitar playing feels like the most unnatural thing in the world, my main issues i find are that when I pick I cant seem to find a grip that works, it either slips when i play or I hold it so tight that my movements feel really forced.

    The only other issue is my arm position. I tend to anchor my hand on the strings but while playing scales I cant do that. My arm tends to relax when i have my hand anchored on the strings and my arm falls into place on the forearm contour but when i play scales its never touching the guitar which can cause discomfort after a while.
    I think if i were to rectify these it may help with the picking issues but i dont really know how to go about changing these things since i know nothing else.

    Photos to come

    Dan, are you ok? What's going on?
    Synner Endless Summer Collection

    Gabriel Perez

    Campfire Attention Holder
  • Nov 11, 2019
    Salt Lake City, UT
    Hey dan, we got your back. If you need anything we got you.

    And I relate to that struggle with alternate and economy picking. Shit is HARD. I had to set up a whole practice routine around my habits and then go at like 60 BPM. No shame in starting from the beginning to get where you want though, right? Hope you're doing well. Keep up the good work🤘
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    Synner Endless Summer Collection

    Chris Johnston

    Music Theory Bragger
  • Nov 11, 2019
    North Ayrshire, Scotland
    I usually have a fairly light grip and for sweeping it isnt too much of an issue but i find when doing econ or alternate that the pick can move around in my fingers when it hits the string

    Gotcha man! Yeah I guess it's all about finding that happy medium that keeps your pick able to move but not too much. You'll find it eventually!

    Also, just read your post further up about your MH - I hope you're doing okay man 🤟

    Dan Shipway

    Slim Shady
  • Nov 11, 2019
    I have a few pictures of an issue that i think needs to be sorted before anything else.

    It’s not too much of an issue other than when im playing scales but due to a reason which im not too sure of, my thumb doesnt sit straight on the back of the neck. When reaching down to the lower strings i experience a lot of pain in my wrist.