For me, Mötley Crüe = everything up to Dr. Feelgood, and I love it all! Saints of LA was also okay, couple of awesome songs on that. Don't care for any Corabi stuff.A lot of hate for the crue in here. Question for you though. Are you listening to Vince Neil motley crue.. or non Vince Neil crue? Or the drug addicted crue (pre Dr feel good) or sober crue (Dr feel good the entire band got sober for 2 albums before Vince left/quit).
I won't state my opinion in mick as a player but he's not formally fought so you'll never find much theory stuff in his playing thatd match up 100%. They are a love hate band but im just curious to what everyone says is so over rated.
Band I Hate: Let's just go with Limp Bizkit
Band I think Is Overrated: Sabaton
Band/Artist I think is under appreciated: Tankard, they always get left out of the "Big four of teutonic thrash metal"
Band I Love: Soooo many... but let's go with Iron Maiden, my overall all time favorites
Band I Can Listen To Over and Over: I've been on a Van Halen binge for the last year now
Band That Made Me Fall in Love with Music: Linkin Park was maybe the first one, my memory gets muddy

Band That Changed My Life: I can't really say that I would credit any band with big changes in my life.

Band That Surprised Me: Eluveitie, because I was never into folky stuff before discovering them when Slania came out
Guilty Pleasure: 90s Pop
Band that I Should Have Seen By Now: Guns 'n Roses
Great Band to See Live: Steel Panther shows are hilarious and great at the same time... Slayer on their final tour was one of the most intense shows I have experienced the last couple of years